[15] Dear Miss Rose

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"You didn't tell me you were dating someone," I played it off cool.

"Well, yeah, I guess I forgot to mention," he laughed.

After 5 minutes of Nathan convincing his girlfriend that it would be alright, I finally got to talk to him alone.

"And you're with Brandon, I suppose?"

I looked at him wide eyed. "Uh, no? I mean, yeah, no."

He chuckled.

"Watch out for that one. He can be cunning."

"Thanks, but I'm very well aware."

"How are you?"

"I'm alright. Still a bit shocked about the whole thing. Brandon's father offering me a job and all."

"Did you get back to him? You have his number, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I guess I'm still unsure if I'll be able to do the job."

"Trust me, you will be," he smiled at me reassuringly.

I looked behind him and saw Brandon's sister, apparently named Kelsey, glaring at me from inside the house.

"Well, your girlfriend seems mad."

He looked confused for a second and turned around and waved at her. All of a sudden she was smiling sweetly and waving back.

I just stared blankly.

"Well, we should go back in," I said.

He nodded and we both got up.

"Sorry, we weren't properly introduced," I smiled.

"I'm Kelsey, Nate's girlfriend. How do you know each other?"

"Uhh," I backed away a little.

"She was conveniently at the studio the other day when the hair dresser didn't show up, she stepped in and did my hair for me," Nathan said.

She looked at me in disgust and nodded.

"I see," she turned to Nathan and grabbed his arm. "Let's go to my room!"

He didn't object, so they went.

I stood there for a good 5 seconds then I went to look for Brandon.

"And who might you be?" A deep, friendly voice asked.

I turned around and saw a familiar man.

"Mr. Shaw? I'm sorry! I was at the shoot, I did Nathan's hair-"

"You're Alex!" He smiled happily and shook my hand. I was slightly shocked.

"Yes, that's me," I laughed awkwardly. How'd he know my name?

"What you did was amazing! I never got to see you in person, but I hope you are aware that I offered you a job."

"Oh, yes. I heard about that..."

"It's alright, you can turn me down. No worries."

"No, sir! I would love to work for you."

"Well, in that case, I'll give my assistant your number, and she'll be in contact with you," he said happily.

"That sounds great, sir."

He laughed, "Call me Jonas, dear."

I smiled and nodded.

"Though that still doesn't explain what you're doing here."

"Oh, I'm actually-"

"Dad?" I looked behind me and there stood Brandon leaning against a door frame. It was such a cliché pose, but he honestly looked amazing.

"Brandon? Is this lovely girl a friend of yours?"

"I guess you could say that," he chuckled.

We made small talk for a bit and I realised that Brandon seemed pretty close to his father.

"Well, I have to go out for another shoot," he rolled his eyes and laughed a little. "It was absolutely lovely meeting you, my dear!" He shook my hand again.

"The pleasure is all mine, Jonas." I smiled.

He smiled at waved at us before turning and quickly rushing away.

I turned to look at Brandon with a wide smile on my face. "Oh my god!"

He smiled and grabbed my hand, taking me somewhere.

We arrived at his room that I was already familiar with. After all, this was where I was brought when I
'almost died', according to Brandon.

"So, how exactly did you meet Nathan?"

I could tell he was trying to sound as neutral as possible.

"It's a long story," I shrugged it off.

"Well, we have time, don't we?" He forced a laugh and sat down on his bed.

I looked at him for a few moments and gave in when I realised he wasn't going to change his mind.

"I was drunk at a club. Someone drugged my drink, he saw and saved me. The end."

His eyes widened.

"Is that it?"


I decided to spare him the details, I didn't want him to freak out on me.

He raised an eyebrow. "That wasn't a very long story."

I shrugged in response.

"That's pretty much it, nothing much to say, so yeah."

He lay on his back with him arms behind his head.

"So he isn't such a bad guy after all," he nodded approvingly.

"Why exactly do you dislike him?" I sighed and sat down beside him.

He hesitated, but put on a smile. "No reason."

Suddenly, we heard a quick ring coming from my phone. I grabbed it and looked through my notifications.

"Wow, that was quick."

I read the email.

"Dear Miss Rose,

My name is Sheila, I am Mr Shaw's assistant. He is interested in hiring you as his hair designer for one of his upcoming shoots. I will update you on the date, venue and time as it has not been fixed yet.

For now, I'll give you my number for you to contact me if you have any questions."

I looked at Brandon, wide-eyed.

"This is huge!"

"Wanna celebrate?"

I Iaughed. "Where?"

"In my bed, " he smirked and pat the spot next to him.

I rolled my eyes and kicked him.




I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm so sorry, once again. I'm just way too busy with school (yes, excuses excuses excuses).

Please vote on this chapter if you liked it, thank you very much <3

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