Chapter 14

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Chelsea's POV
I stayed up all night thinking about how I could pull off dating Lauren in secret. I don't wanna risk her safety and I honestly really don't wanna die.
L-you know forbidden love is kinda hot
C-you're so weird
L-shut up you love me
C-tru tru
L-but forbidden love! it sounds so cute yet mischievous
C-tru but we're more just hiding it so I don't get killed by your father
L-I seriously hate him for doing this to you
C-don't show your anger tho it'll be obvious that you know something and if he finds out that you know he'll know I told and then before we know I'll in the ground
L-don't say that! I don't even wanna imagine life without you! I won't say anything
C-I don't wanna be without you either
L-awe really?
C-of course! I love you
L-awe! I love you too!
C-you should get going to bed
L-yea you too
C-remember delete these messages just in case he looks through your phone or something
L-okay. goodnight love you
C-goodnight love you too
That was the last I talked to Lauren in a couple days due to recording for a new mixtape or something.

*2 months later*

Nothing interesting has happened with Lauren and I lately. Besides sneaking out a lot to be together for at least 5 minutes. Not getting to see her a lot hurts. I always miss her. Being away for so long and then finally seeing her but for only 5 minutes sucks. I wish people could accept what we have. Know that what we have is real and pure. But theres always a flaw in the system and ours seems to be her father, brother, and sister not accepting us. We are meeting up today in our hiding spot near the river. I start getting ready. I take a shower then get dressed into a plain white t-shirt, jeans, and a red flannel around my waist. Once I finally get to the river I sit and wait for Lauren. Once I see her in the distance a smile starts forming on my face. I stand to see her running towards me. Why is she running? I think. Once she reaches me she runs into my arms.
"I'm sorry Chelsea! I walked out of the house and I guess they've grown suspicious and started chasing after me I didn't know where else to go! I'm so sorry!" Lauren said crying into my arms.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Mike, Christina and my dad. They're here. Look!"
I looked up to see them running towards us.
"Oh crap." I said. I suddenly had a huge sinking feeling when I saw Lauren's dad with a gun in his hand.
"LAUREN DUCK!" I screamed.
Her dad started shooting.
"Get away from my daughter!" He yelled.
"Dad! Stop! Don't hurt her!" Lauren yelled back.
Once hey reached us Mike and Christina grabbed Lauren's arms pulling her back while her father grabbed me.
"Mike, Christina. Take Lauren back to the house." Lauren's dad said.
"NO CHELSEA! PUT ME DOWN!" Lauren screamed trying to free herself from her siblings grip. "DONT HURT HER DAD PLEASE! I LOVE YOU CHELSEA!"
I tried running towards Lauren but her dad pulled me back and slammed me against the hard ground.
"Oh shut up. You can't love her."
"I can, I will, and I do. I always will."
"You won't soon."
"I'll love Lauren until the day I die."
"Easy for you to say. That day is today." Lauren's dad pointed his gun at me ready to shoot.
"I LOVE YOU CHELSEA!" I heard from the distance.

Lauren's POV

"I LOVE YOU CHELSEA!" I screamed hoping she could hear me.
Mike and Christina were holding my arms as if trying to rip them off my body dragging me to the house away from Chelsea.
"I LOVE YO-" I heard before I heard a gun go off. No. He wouldn't. I freed myself from my siblings grip and ran back to the river. I ran as fast as I could until I saw my dad walking towards me not looking up at me tho. I ran passed him.
"Lauren! Where do you think you're going?!"
"I'm to going to Chelsea!"
I stopped in my tracks once I saw Chelsea's body and blood staining her white t-shirt.
I ran to Chelsea's house and called for her friends to help me take her to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and Chelsea was being checked out by the doctor. After about 20 minutes I got a text from my dad.
"Where the heck are you?!"
I ignored the text and talked to Anna as we waited for the doctor to tell what's happening.
"Chelsea Smith?"
"That's us." I said walking over to the doctor.
"How is she? Is she okay?" I asked.
"She has lost a lot of blood but thankfully the bullet just barely missed her heart and didn't immediately kill her. We're putting her through surgery now so I'll let you know what's happening once I get more details."
"Okay. Thank you."

*3 hours later*

Chelsea's doctor came into the waiting room and motioned for us to follow him.
"She's doing really well you may go in and see her." He said opening the door for us into Chelsea's room.
"Hey guys." Chelsea said as we walked up to her.
I ran to her to give her a hug. She flinched in my arms as if scared. I hate my dad. Now Chelsea is scared to be held by me and everyone. My mission was to protect her and I couldn't do that.
"I'm so sorry." I said.
"Hey hey Laur. It's fine. I'm okay. Something good came out of this. Well two things."
"What are they?" I asked confused at how her almost dying has good outcomes.
"One your dad thinks I'm dead now so when you leave the house to come see me he won't think you're coming to me."
"True. Okay what's the other thing?"
"I have a such a cool scar now! Look at it! I survived a bullet!" Chelsea said showing off the scar.
"You're such a dork." I smiled.
I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back. It was a soft kiss. I pulled away and had tears streaming down my face. She pulled me in for another hug.
"I thought I lost you." I cried into her shoulder.
"It's okay. I'm okay. I'm here."
I will get my dad back for this. He will pay.

AN: I don't really have an excuse another than high school is whooping my ass. Especially since I'm in theater and have had tons of rehearsals and shows. Sorry.

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