Chapter 4

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*2 weeks later*

Charlotte's POV
"Hey Chels. You okay?" I asked
Chelsea has been in our room for days now and she won't come out. I don't get it. Not long ago she was happy and full of joy and love. But now she's scared to come out of our room let alone the house.
"Yea, Charlotte. I'm fine." I answered
"Okay. Well, Lauren came to check on you again. She says that she misses you and hopes that you're okay."
"Okay." she said before I heard her start to cry
"Chelsea. What's wrong? I've known you basically my whole life. I know that you're not okay. What happened? You can tell me."
"It's Lauren."
"What about her?"
"I love her, but we can't be together." she said sobbing harder
"Why not?"
"Three reasons. One, a relationship like ours would be is wrong to society and I found out that she's in a famous band so I'd crush her reputation. Two, her parents and some of her older siblings hate me cause we tried to rob them. Lastly, she's as straight as a pole." Chelsea ranted. I've never seen her this, what seems like, heart broken.
"Well, you know some poles have dents. Also, she seems as stright as rainbow."
"What do you mean?" she asked turning to face me
"She comes over all the time to check on you. Parker, Drake, Josh, Anna, and I live with you and we don't even check on you as much as she does."
"Well, what do you suggest I do?"
"Go to her. Talk to her. Tell her what you feel."
"But what if she doesn't feel the same?"
"I'll be here to help you through heartbreak. But you need to do it as soon as possible or she might think you forgot about her."
"Okay. I'll do it. Thanks Char."
"No prob. I'm always here to help." I said pulling her into a hug. I then got up from the bed and and walked into the living room where everyone else was.
"Is she okay?" Josh asked concerned
"Yep. Told you guys I could fix her."
"So what's happening now?" Anna asked
"I don't know. She said she's gonna go talk to Lauren."
"I knew that that was the problem! Drake, now you owe me five bucks!" Parker shouts
"Okay. Where's the zoo?" Drake says
"Why?" I ask
"Cause Parker here wants five bucks. Bucks are male deer."
"Drake shut up! You know what I meant! You owe me five dollars!"
"Oh whatever!"
We all started laughing at his joke. Suddenly, Chelsea bursts from our room and runs out of the door.
"I can't wait to see how that goes." I say with a smirk

Chelsea's POV
Charlotte just left our bedroom after giving me a pep talk. This crush on Lauren that I have had only been getting stronger and I haven't been taking it very well. I've been sitting in my room for two weeks now alone. Avoiding Lauren and ignoring her texts. I need to fix this. I'm taking Charlotte's advice and I'm going to tell her how I feel. But I'm going to do it through a song I've been writing.

C-Hey Laur
L-Hey m8! Where have you been? Are you okay?
C-Yea I'm fine. Can we talk?
L-Yea what's up?
C-No, I need to see you and tell you in person
L-Okay. You can come to my place. Meet me in my tree house
C-Okay. See you in a bit

I put my phone in my pocket, grab my guitar and race out of the door of the house.

Once I get to Lauren's house, I make my way to the tree house in the backyard.
"Lauren?" I yell
"I'm here!" she assures
I make my way up the tree house wth my guitar strapped to my back. Once I get to the top I climb in and sit next to her.
"Hey. What's with the guitar? Also have you been avoiding me?" Lauren asks
"All questions will be answered once I sing you a song I've writing."
"Okay." she says confused
"Here we go Chelsea. Just do it. Start the song. Don't think about the nerves." I keep telling myself over and over again. I start struming after I work up the courage.
"Every time you walk into the room
Got me feeling crazy
Shock my heart
Boom boom
Any other girl would stare
But me I look away
Cause you're making me scared
Trying hard to breathe
One two three ahh
Trying not to freak when you look at me
Try to make a move
But I freeze
You don't have a clue what you do to me
Girl you make me shy, shy, shy
You make me run and hide, hide, hide
Feel like get lost in time
Whenever you're near me
Girl you make me shy, shy, shy
I'm fighting butterfly, fly, flies
Yea you make me lose my mind
Whenever you're near me
Girl you make me shy
Oh oh
Rejection is a word that I don't wanna know
But a girl like you could kill a girl real slow
A million words stuck up in my head
Waiting to be said but my tongue stumbling
Trying hard to breathe
One two three ahh
Trying not to freak when you look at me
Try to make a move
But I freeze
You don't have a clue what you do to me
Girl you make me shy, shy, shy
You make me run and hide, hide, hide
Feel like get lost in time
Whenever you're near me
Girl you make me shy, shy, shy
I'm fighting butterfly, fly, flies
Yea you make me lose my mind
Whenever you're near me
Girl you take me high
I feel like I can fly
By fall out of the sky
When I look into your eyes
Oh oh oh
Oh girl you make me shy, shy, shy
You make me run and hide, hide, hide
Feel like get lost in time
Whenever you're near me
Girl you make me shy, shy, shy
I'm fighting butterfly, fly, flies
Yea you make me lose my mind
Whenever you're near me
Girl you make me shy
Yea yea yea oh
Girl you make me shy
Can't even talk to you
Girl you make me shy"

When I financed the song I looked up at Lauren. She had a huge smile on her face with a few tears rolling down her cheek.
"Hey don't cry." I said as I wiped the tears away
"Chelsea, I-"
"Please if you're going to reject me don't say anything."
"I'm not rejecting you. I like you too."
Her words shocked me and I just sat there trying process what Lauren just said to me.
"Really?" I said smiling
"Yea, and these feelings I have for you have only been getting stronger with time. It killed me not knowing if you felt the same way!"
"Same here! But what do we do now? We both like each other, as we found out. Now what?" I asked awkwardly
"Now we make us offical. I don't know if we should tell some of the people in my family though yet."
"I agree."
We just sat in the tree house looking at each other. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was comfortable.
"Lauren, this is probably a super random question and you can tell me if it weirds you out. But, I've been wanting to do this for a long time-"
"What? You didn't even hear what I wanted to say."
"But I knew where you were going." I looked at her confused trying to figure out f she really did understand me.
"Yes, Chelsea. Kiss me."
I smiled at her words. She did get what I was trying to say. We both started to lean in. Just before our lips made contact, we heard a voice.
"Hey Lauren! Are you up there? Is Chelsea with you?" Dani yelled from below
"Yes Dani she is!" Lauren said back
"Oh! Sorry!"
We laughed at her sister even though she ruined our moment.
"Well that killed the mood." I said
"Tell me about it. But I've been waiting for this for to long to let her ruin what we were about to do." She said with a smirk
We started leaning in again. She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me closer. I put my arms around her waist. Before I knew it our lips made contact and the feeling was better than I ever could have imagined. Her lips were so soft and gentle and fit perfectly with mine. My first kiss was the best kiss I'll ever experience and I know I'll never forget it. We pulled away when we saw a camera flash. We looked down below to see Lisa, Amy, and Dani all with cameras in hand.
"Guys?! What are you doing?!" Lauren asked obviously annoyed
"One day you'll thank is for these pictures!" Lisa yelled back
Suddenly mine and Laurens phones went off. Lisa sent us a picture of us kissing just now.
"I'm never going to forget this first kiss." Lauren said
"Same here." I said looking back at her.
We leaned in again for one last kiss before I left to go back home.

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