Chapter 7

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"Chelsea." I heard Anna whispering
"What?" I asked in a sleepy tone as it was 2 in the morning.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Okay." I said confused.
I got out of my bed. Anna and I walked into the living room. Since it was 2am, Anna didn't invite Charlotte to this conversation, and we moved to the living room to talk, I had a feeling of what she wanted to tell me.
"So what's up?" I asked
"I need to tell you something about Charlotte."
"Okay." I acted confused
"You can't tell her that I told you this but, she likes you. Like, more than a friend."
"Really?" I asked still acting
"Yea. I know that your with Lauren but I had to tell you. She's really hurting from this. I thought it might be a good idea for you to talk to her about her feelings. Maybe sort all this out."
"Okay I'll do it today before I go to Lauren's."
"Perfect! Thanks. I just can't stand to see her hurt."
"Yea. I'll talk to her. Don't worry."
We both then got up to go back to bed. It was a little hard for me to fall asleep. But I managed.

It was 12:30pm and I'm seeing Lauren at 2. The gang and I were talking about random stuff. Suddenly we got onto the topic of Lauren. Charlotte quietly got up and went to our room. I knew what I had to do now. It was the right time. Anna gave me a look and I excused myself from the conversation. I walked into our room to a sad sight. Charlotte was on her bed with her head in her pillow. I heard quiet sobs coming from her. I sat by her side and started to rub her back.
"It's okay." I whispered
As soon as Charlotte realised it was me she quickly looked up at me in shock.
"Chelsea? What are you doing here?" she asked looking panicked
"I'm totally fine, Chelsea. I'm just, um, on my period. Mood swings you know. Haha!" she said trying to fool me.
"Charlotte, Anna told me everything last night. I know you're not on your period. You had that last week."
"So you know that I-"
"You know I'm with Lauren right?"
"Sadly yea."
"Look I like you as a friend. I know that that might be hard to hear, but I need you to know that I'm with someone."
"Can I kiss you? I just want to see how it feels."
"Charlotte, like I said. I'm with Laur-"
She cut me off by kissing me. I didn't kiss back and I pulled away immediately.
"I'm sorry! You were starting to reject I needed to know."
"Charlotte, I'm with Lauren! You can't just kiss me like that!"
"I'm sorry! Okay! I needed to know."
"I understand. I'm not gonna get mad at you. Buy please respect me and don't do that again."
I the gave her a hug a left the room. It was 10 minutes to 2 so I left the house. Great, now I have to talk to Lauren about this.

Once I got to her door, I rung the door bell and Lauren opened it with a smile.
"Hey Chelsea!" she said kissing me.
I kissed back and smiled at her.
"Hey Laur." I said smiling but I could tell I had an "I'm sorry" look on my face.
"What's wrong?" she asked
"Look Laur, I'm gonna be completely honest with you. Charlotte kissed me and told me that she has feelings for me."
"When she kissed you. You didn't kiss back did you."
"No Laur. Of course not!"
"Okay. Come on in."
"Could you get your family to sit in the living room I wrote a song about how I feel about you. Then we can talk two on two with your parents."

Once the whole family was in the living room, I came out with my guitar.
"Hey! What are you doing here!" Lauren's dad yelled
"Dad! I invited her! She wants to sing everyone a song she wrote."
"Why should we listen to this thief! We should call the police!"
"No dad please! Just listen to her. For me?"
"Okay honey."
Lauren gave me a head nod and with that I started stumming.

"Yea you!
Yea you!
I used to wanna be
Living like there's only me
But now I spend my time
Thinking about a way to get you off my mind
I used be so tough
Never really gave enough
But then you caught my eye
Giving me the feeling of a lighting strike
Look at me now I'm falling
Can't even talk just studdering
This cloud I'm on keeps shaking
Oh oh oh yea!
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
Everybody trying be a millionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care cause
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
Yea you!
I used to run around
I didn't wanna settle down
But now I wake each day
Looking for real way that I can see your face
Look at me now I'm falling
Can't even talk just studdering
This cloud I'm on keeps shaking
Oh oh oh yea!
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
Everybody trying be a millionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care cause
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
Look at me now I'm falling
Can't even talk just studdering
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea yea yea!
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
Everybody trying to be a millionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care cause
All I wanna be all I ever wanna be
Yea yea
Is somebody to you
Yea you!
Yea you!"

Once I finished the song. Everyone, except Lauren's dad, mum, and older brother, was smiling at me in approval.
"Okay. So what?" Lauren's dad said in a harsh tone.
"Dad. Can Chelsea and I talk to you and mom in the other room?"
"Sure thing sweety." Her mum said
The four of is walked into the dining room and sat down.
"Mom, dad, Chelsea and I are dating."
"What?!" they both said in unison
"We've been dating for about a week now. I know you guys might not be totally okay with it because her and her friends tried to rob us a while ago-"
"Honey, can you please let us talk with Chelsea alone." Her mum said cutting Lauren off
"Yea sure." she kissed my cheek and whispered "good luck" before she got up and left.
"Why do you want to date my daughter?" her dad said with a somewhat poker face.
"Look, I know what my friends and I did to your family. But I don't regret it."
"Why?" he said looking angry.
"Because if we hadn't done it, I wouldn't have met Lauren. What we did was wrong, but not meeting Lauren would have been so much more wrong. I hope you can accept us."
"I can see your honesty in your eyes." Mr. Cimorelli smiled
"You have my blessing. Also no hard feelings on the robbery. But I'm keeping my eye on you."
"Thank you so much sir!"
"No problem. Nw go find Lauren she's probably worried about you."
I got up so fast and ran to Lauren's bedroom I can't wait to tell her the good news.

I burst through her bedroom door and hugged her.
"They gave us their blessings!" I said hugging her tight.
"Thank goodness!" She said with a sigh of relief.
Suddenly my phone went off.
"Hey." I said
"Hey Chels! Where are you?" Josh asked through the phone.
"At Lauren's house. Why?"
"It's our eat out together day!"
"Oh yea I totally forgot! I'll be right there!"
"Okay come quick!"
"I will." I said then hung up.
"Sorry. I got to go."
"That's okay. We can hang out tomorrow."
"Most defiantly." I said
I gave her a kiss then walked out of her house happy and relieved. I can't believe they accepted us!

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