Chapter 3 | Things Were Just Getting Worse

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[Seungkwan's POV]

I was the last one entered the dorm and saw all members collapsed everywhere. There was no space for me to joined. So I made decision to collapse in front of the door. Hehe.

"Argghh!!" I heard some one shouted. From kitchen. So we all rushed over there and saw a girl.

Our eyes were wide opened when we saw her. She also did that.

But when I scanned her with my eyes, wait.. Isn't that Hayoung?!! I thought and looked at our members and it seemed like they all already realized that.

"W-what are you doing here, Hayoung-ah?" Wonwoo hyung asked her.

She was kind of blank out. Then Hoshi hyung clapped his hands and she back to her sense. She awkwardly bowed to us and smiled "I'm here to visit you, oppa. Mom and dad are here too." Then suddenly her parents came out of nowhere and we all bowed to them.

"Of course we are here to visit you, Wonwoo-ah. We missed you so much." His mom hugged him. We all couldn't help but tried to hold our laugh to see that cool hyung hugged by his mom. Like his cool guy reputation had been destroyed just like that. And I looked back at Hayoung and she giggled. She was like a kid, I can saw that. :)


[Joshua's POV]

I looked at all member, and they were trying to hold their laugh. It was funny though, I smiled.

We all gathered at living room and chatted. They were not only to visit us, but to leave Hayoung here for 3 days. Everyone's mouth were wide opened. So does mine.


[DK's POV]

"We are going to leave Hayoung here for 3 days." That was her father said to us.

We all shocked. Even Hayoung herself. I thinked she didn't know that she was going to stay with us for a while. I guess.

"But why-" Wonwoo hyung tried but being blocked by his mom "because we are going to Japan for works. Don't worry, we talked to your manager and he approved it so does Hayoung's manager." She explained.

Everyone were speechless.

I turned to Hayoung and she was like in dillema. I thinked, she was too shocked? Poor her.

She needed to live with 13 boys. And she just knew it just now.


[Dino's POV]

Their parents leaved. Their mom said that she had packing Hayoung's bag secretly so there she was. Stood there, still in dillema.

But I was still shocked because I was the one who saw her in kitchen and wore apron, did some cooking then I shouted because I thought it was a killer because she was holding a knife and I didn't look properly at what she wore.

I just sighed.

"So.. Where is she going to sleep?" Scoups hyung awkwardly asked everyone. I know he was still shy with her. His face was pink. "I guess.. Hayoung should sleep at my room since I'm her brother." Wonwoo hyung said. "But- " Mingyu hyung and Seokmin hyung tried to defence because they were shared the same room with Wonwoo hyung but "if you guys doesn't feel comfortable, you can sleep at the sofa here." He patted the sofa in the living room and smirked.

They two just sighed.

And she was stilllll in dilemma.

"Let's eat something, Hayoung-ah! I bet you were hungry." Seungkwan hyung grabbed her wrist and was hopping like child towards kitchen. She just smiled and followed.

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