Chapter Eleven

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Klaus sighed as he heard the bell ring again. He assumed the two must've forgotten something or wanted to clear up some questions that they might have remembered. But they had left a while ago and by looking at his watch he figured it had gotten a bit too late for them to come back.

He was sitting in his office reading a book that he had read too many times to count. It was his time for reading as he knew less people would come around which meant less distractions. The dim table lamp flickered until it was given a good smack and was accompanied by different types of insects.

Klaus knew it was impolite for him to not get up and see if the customer needed any help but he couldn't quite find himself to do it just yet. Instead he waited patiently for them to come to him. Everyone from the town had come to the building at least once from since they've been there so everyone knew where Klaus's office was situated.

Klaus could tell the person was getting closer as the creaking got louder until he could sense the person's presence in his office doorway. He squinted up to the figure and immediately knew it was a man. The scarcity of light strained his eyes and he didn't acknowledge his guest until he sat down into the chair in front of his desk for a better look.

His eyes widened as his eyelids eased and returned back to normal. "Ah it's you." Klaus leaned back in his wooden chair and looked at the familiar man. The short but smooth beard rang dusted bells and so did his glimmering brown eyes that didn't glimmer to its full potential in the dark office. "What do you want? I haven't done anything wrong if that's what you want to know."

The man also leaned on his chair. The wooden bars on the back which supported his back was uncomfortable and made him a bit restless. He put his hand on the table and fiddled with an imaginary object while answering, "I see you've met the new shipment." He replied cooly with a boyish smile.

"Yeah so what...he's a nice guy from what I've seen." Klaus began slowly heating up as he felt he had let something slip to the new shipment which he wasn't supposed to.

"So what did he want to know?"

"Uh you know....just stuff about the town and that."

The visitor leaned in close and propped his elbows on the table top as if he was telling Klaus some deep dark secret. "So what d'you tell him?"

Klaus could tell that the person sitting opposite him saw the beads of sweat appearing on his forehead, but the nervousness was confirmed when the stuttering began. "Yo-you know, like the history and stuff. Besides he wanted to know about himself. I told him a little about his birthmark. That's all, really. He isn't going to be going around starting some sort of revolution or something. I didn't tell him anything like that. I swear." Klaus hoped that he could make out what he had just said. He felt like he was giving a speech in front of an audience. A large audience.

The smile that widened on his face settled Klaus a little bit. But his muscles still remained tense. "That's good, Klaus. Just making sure everything is going well. Alsandair was getting a bit worried about you, we know what you're like."

"So you just doing his dirty work?" He muttered. "Can you please leave now, I would like to go home."

"Now now, there's no need to rush. Can't we just talk like two old friends? You know catch up a little and what not."

"Well partly because we're not friends," he explained bitterly. "So I would like it if you would just leave. It's getting late."

The man put his hands up in a surrendering motion, "Okay, okay. You're the boss of this place after all." He chuckled and got off the chair which had now numbed his butt.

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