Chapter Eight

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Alexis looked up and down at the boy standing before her, her face painfully pulling a smile to hide an expression of disappointment. This is the new shipment? This scrawny thing? Well at least he's cute, sort of. The new shipment looked nervous in the presence of Alexis and she took it on herself to introduce her to him. "Hey, I'm Alexis Grey." She said putting on a clear and confident voice, and out stretching her hand to him as a polite gesture.

"Hello, my name's Gabriel." He replied rather nervously which Alexis picked up on, but he shook her hand eagerly.

"You don't know me but it's kind of my job to show people around the town, I heard you're new?"

"Uh ye-yeah, how did you know that?"

"Hmm word gets around plus your friend the bartender told me to show you the good sights, if you want to that is."

"Oh, oh yeah I don't have anything else to do anyway, so they send all the pretty girls on this job?"

"Oh you're just lucky you didn't get the rough men, they like to be a bit more closer, if you know what I mean. You're lucky enough to be stuck with me."

"And that I am."

"Oh I almost forgot, these are for you, sort of as a welcoming gift," she pulled out her other hand that was holding a basket with large round chocolate chip cookies. The smell also made Alexis crave for the sweetness but the calories made her remember her diet and the figure she has been so long trying to get and she isn't going to give it up for cookies. "The best cookies in Cynder Lake, I'm sure you'll love them just as much as I do." That was a lie.

"Mmm, cookies. Don't mind if I do," he took the basket out of her hand, picked up a biscuit and took out a big bite. "This town isn't half bad." He spoke with his mouth full. He ended up eating half the basket in front of Alexis without even offering any to her, but she didn't mind as he seemed like he clearly needed the fat.

However after a bit of waiting she began thinking about warm cookies in her mouth and snapped out of by getting Gabriel and going in their tour. "So uh you ready to go?" She snapped a little bit, but you can clearly tell she was getting impatient.

Looking up from devouring the cookies with crumbs floating around his mouth he answered. "Mm yeah sure, just let me get dressed." He smiled and closed the door shut on Alexis's pretty face. How rude.

Inside Gabriel was frantically looking around for things to make him look good in front of the fine female specimen. His experience with the other sex had never ended too well, his pick up lines were usually responded to with a heated slap on the cheek or at times a splash of alcohol on his favourite shirt. Whatever the circumstances were, he could never make women like him, he just didn't have the x-factor. Looking at himself in the mirror in his worn clothes, he tried to do some sort of attractive hairstyle, if his face couldn't attract them maybe the hair could. But with his lack of knowledge in types of hairstyles and such, he gave up and kept to his normal patted down style. He didn't have deoderant or anything to make him smell good but he hoped she wouldn't notice or would understand his situation which his clothes clearly screamed. He opened the door again.

Her back was to the door but she turned when he had stepped into the door frame. "Hmm, ready." He tried to give a cute smile and he was unsure if it had worked when she smiled in response and started walking down the stairs leaving Gabriel to trail behind him.

Doing a little run to catch up next to her he asked, "So where are we off to?"

"Hmm?" She stopped to turn to him like she was lost in some other world and when she returned she replied, "Oh why don't we just make it a surprise, you're the visitor that's supposed to take pictures of road signs and stuff while I show you around to the places of my choice, okay?"

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