Chapter Six

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One of Rembrandt's assistants walked into him sitting in his comfy recliner staring at the screen which was lit up by something which he couldn't quite see as his head was covering the important details. Rembrandt used the screen to keep a close eye on his town and keep everything in place, to make sure it is shaped exactly as he wants it to be. A perfect town. He had his recliner turned to him so he had to speak up to make him get his attention and turn around to face him. He had important news to tell his boss, even though he felt he had already known.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "Excuse me Sir," Rembrandt turned around to face him, a crooked smile extended across his smug face. "The new shipment is here, I thought that you should know."

Rembrandt had his legs crossed and put his hands in front of, making both hands touch fingertips whilst propping his elbows on the handles. "Ah yes, thank you. I have just seen his entrance on the cameras, I see he is being looked after at the bar."

"I was sure you had, but I thought it may have been important to report it to you. Yes, I kept a close eye on him when he entered. He looked a bit uncomfortable because everyone seemed to give him some stunned looks, that wasn't very co-operative by the citizens, they should be used to it by now." He kept his serious face which he didn't so much as twitch.

"Yes, they should, but they can't help it if being stunned if a new face walks in, for all they now he could be an intruder. Then again some also knew he is a 'special' one, and word gets around, he was probably expected by more people than just myself. I believe we should get him as comfortable as possible, this is where he'll be staying from now after all." He turned back to the screen but this time partly, he was facing his assistant to the side while still being able to see the screen.

From this angle Rembrandt's assistant could se what was on the screen. He had been indeed looking at the new shipment, now from the camera he could see Valentine looking around at his room, like he had been exposed to something completely new, which he was. He looked scrawny, like the rumours that were spread around had stated and looked to filthy as well. If he were like the other citizens under our guidance, he shouldn't have taken long to get to the town, and should've been in a better shape than a twig, he grimaced. He should know before he got here, the elements of survival. It's a surprise he wasn't dead before we go to him.

The assistants silence created awkwardness between him and his boss, which he attempted to break. "So how should we make his stay more comfortable, Sir?"

Not looking at him, he replied. "Hmm, I think I have the perfect idea," He faced his assistant, his eyes seemed to have an unnatural spark of sinister thoughts and ideas. "Go start the car, we're going to go pay my daughter a visit."

He hesitated before replying, "Yes, Sir." This isn't going to end well.

After leaving his office and on getting on the road, he began reminiscing about his daughter. He knew that before his assistant replied, he hesitated when he said he would go to see his daughter. He knew that it was a predictable reaction as his daughter and him never had a good relationship. When she was younger, he would never have time for her as he spent long hours building and shaping his new business, and when he had finished, his daughter never had any time for him or just didn't want to have anything to do with him. Their communication was rare, but he knew his daughter preferred keeping her distance. It has been a few months since he last visited her, by that it means scanning her lavish apartment from his car to see if everything looked alright. He didn't know what she must look like now, all he had was a picture of her smiling in his wallet from when she was 5. When the picture was taken, they went for a trip to the beach and she looked truly happy, in the picture, her blonde hair was shot being whipped in the salty breeze and her beautiful blue eyes looked kind and tender. Rembrandt wished that she had kept her blonde hair and not dyed it some other colour, and hadn't started wearing contacts or something. He loved her just the way she was and he hoped she did too.

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