Chapter One

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Gabriel's eyes flared as the heavily muscled and tattooed man pushed him out of the way. He wasn't going to let this one man ruin his whole night, even if he was roughly five times bigger and looked stronger than him.

"Hey! What's your problem?!" He spat. But the burly man didn't look back at him. "Hey! Jerk with the tattoos, I'm talking to you!" The man just kept walking while Gabriel kept shouting, he finally turned around when Gabriel started using vulgar language that was clearly gaining everyone else's attention in club.

"What do you want?" The man asked calmly.

Gabriel stared at him in disbelief. How can he be so calm after what he just did to me?! He thought. "Don't think I'll let you walk around after you purposely pushed me out of the way, just 'cause you think you're bigger and tougher, doesn't mean you can push people like me around!" Gabriel screamed loudly. By now the heavy bass music had stopped and everyone was looking at the feud between a scrawny young man, and a giant.

"I just had to get through, and you were in my way." He still stayed calm.

"Oh, and you didn't think it was polite to just ask?"

"Look I don't have time for this, you're making a scene here, I'm going to go, go cry about it to your mum!" The man was slowly starting to lose his nerve, the calm and subtle appearance was now transforming into anger. Much like the state Gabriel was already in.

"Hey! Don't you dare walk away from me...." The man had already turned and way nearly to the door. The other people in the club cleared a path in the middle, so Gabriel could see easily see him heading for the exit. He quickly walked up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder, rather harshly. "I'm not finished with you yet." Just as the man turned to face him, with a I've-had-enough-of-your-shit face, Gabriel landed a hard fist on his broad and square jaw, which changed his half open eyes to really wide and his expression to become astounded.

He reached up for the wounded area. "You don't know who you just messed with." He grabbed Gabriel by the collar, picked him up with ease and rammed him into the wall behind Gabriel and landed a heavy fist on his cheek. Just as he was going to get another one, the body guards the same size as him came to Gabriel's rescue. They pried the man away from him and two bodyguards grabbed ahold of Gabriel and the man and carried them outside.

Gabriel was thrown out of a different exit than the other man. The nerve of some people, he thought, as he dusted off his clothes and walked off into the night. Just one night was all I asked, just to have fun, but jerks like these just kill the mood.

The moon hung high in front of the dark blue night sky, it's pale light showed Gabriel where he was stepping. The loud music resumed booming again in the club, as he staggered along on the footpath. The road was quite deserted, there wasn't anyone around and no cars were roaming around, there should've at least been a taxi or two, since this was quite a popular street, famous for attracting the tourists. For a moment Gabriel felt that there was something wrong but he shrugged it off and kept moving forward.

The slight breeze tickled his face and turned it cold. His cheeks felt frosty, but he didn't mind as it numbed the throbbing wound under his eye, he didn't want to feel it change into a deep purple bruise, he'll just face the horror of it when looking at himself in the mirror. He buttoned up his coat for warmth and put his hands deep in his pockets. He carried on like this and breathing heavily for extra warmth when he heard a loud scream from a nearby alley, it was too low to be a girl or woman's.

He ran to the alley which he thought the sound was coming from, as he got closer the scream seemed to fade away. When he turned into the right one, he saw a heavily cloaked person holding a man up against the wall, much like how a police officer would to a person they were about to arrest. Not wanting the person to see him witnessing them, he hid behind a full dumpster. The foul smell made him revert back to breathing with his mouth, he didn't want to leave just yet. Who was this guy? And what was he doing to that other guy?

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