A Fangirl's Tragic Tale

Start from the beginning

You've made such a huge impact on my life that I just can't get myself to let you go that easily.

Gods... I just can't stop crying right now.

I'm sorry for this, the letter's a bit soaked.

Today's been horrible. One of my friends read one of my fanfics and told me how totally weird it was for me to make something like that. She admitted that I had a talent for writing but claimed that it was wasted on things such as these.

I was seriously hurt. I wish she knew that the reason I had developed these skills was because of all the time and effort I've put into making them... I wish she knew how much I dreamed for the stories I made to come true... how much I wanted you to step into the real world and utter all the words I fancied you to speak and how I've always wanted you to hold me close to you and tell me that everything's going to be alright.

This isn't the first time something like this happened.

I've been told relentlessly how I should just grow up and stop dreaming. How I should just accept reality as it is and that I should stop imagining that things will go differently than what they're supposed to be.

It was like a huge cut in my heart every time I hear my other friends say things like that to me. Like an enormous part of me has been stabbed right in the front and was left there bleeding. And it hurts like hell! You know why?

Because sometimes I feel like they're right.

Maybe I should stop all these childish dreams. Maybe I should stop thinking that somehow I'll be able to meet you and we'll get to live happily ever-after... Maybe, I should just grow up.

But at what cause?

Is maturing worth forgetting the times I've felt whenever I thought about you? is it worth overlooking the fact that you've been such a huge part of my life? Is it worth disremembering each smile I get on my face on every occasion that you crossed my mind?

I don't know the answer to any of those... but I do know that it doesn't feel right without you.

I love you. I love everything about you.

But you're not real. I don't know if you'll ever be real. I don't know why I even bothered to keep these feelings when I know that I'm just hurting myself from doing so.

All I know is that what I feel for you is real.

My soul may be entangled with yours...in fact, you might be my soul mate from another life but somehow... we were born into different realities.

But in some twisted way, fate managed to bring us back together.

I, in this world and you, in another world.

Sorry, I can't help myself from crying... I promise I'll write back soon, though I'm not expecting any reply from you. At least, this managed to help me out...

I love you (FCN)

Forever yours,



Dear (FN),

This is the nth letter I never got to give you.

(FC), it's such a tragedy to know that I can never reach out to you in a way that I wanted to. I've fallen so deeply in love with you since I saw you observing me from across the static world that separates us. You're kind, gentle yet firm, beautiful, smart and talented... gods, for me you're perfect.

You have no idea how much I wanted to be with you. To hold you. To kiss you. To let you know how much I love you... but I can't because you're real.

Our story is one of a tragedy.

Torn apart by realities and separated by worlds.

My love for you is that of an unspoken term. It's like I'm reaching for the stars, hoping that I'll be able to get close to them somehow... but I know that it can never be.

All I can do is to hope that you'll stay strong. Keep the flame inside your heart burning; don't ever lose it lest I disappear from you mind as well.

I love you so much (FN)... I'll give up anything just for us to be together and I dream of seeing you and being close to you; so close that I can feel your heartbeat against mine...

Till that day comes, I can only pray that somehow....someday, I'll be able to be with you.

Always and Forever,



So that's about it. I'm sorry for the feels and whatnot... gods, I feel horrible right now. The feels are cutting into me like a knife in my heart. Like this is just... too intense to write.

Sorry if it's crappy. I'm a bit off right now....

Anyway, thanks so much for being patient and supportive guys! I really appreciate it!

Please check out my other books like "Unexpected" and "Wildest Dreams" and stay awesome :3

Watch out for the next chapter!


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