Not What It Seems

Start from the beginning

She took a quick shower and changed into her pajamas. She opened the door to her balcony and walked out.

Rosie stood out on her balcony. One thing that hasn’t changed with her is the fact that she loved wishing on stars. Every single night she’d go out and wish on the first star she saw. This night, though, there was only one star out. It was really bright. It seemed a bit odd to Rosie, but she wished on it anyways.

“I wish I was Eleanor Calder.” She whispered quietly, a tear rolling down her soft cheek. She looked around, hoping the wish had come true, which sadly, it didn’t. Rosie sighed and entered her room, sliding into bed and falling fast asleep.


Rosie woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. ‘Weird. I didn’t set my alarm.’ She sat up in bed, stretching and yawning as usual. She shut off the alarm, looking around the room.

“What the hell?” Rosie’s eyes widened. She wasn’t sure where she was, but it wasn’t her room. It looked like a hotel. Had she been kidnapped? No, the hotel room looked to fancy for that. Maybe her parents decided to go on a surprise vacation? If so, where are her parents?

She ignored all the questions and stood up off the bed. She headed into the bathroom to take a shower. Naturally, she looked into the mirror as soon as she walked in. She had to do a double take.

‘Why…why is Eleanor Calder in the mirror?’ Rosie let out a loud shriek. There was a knock at the door, followed by a voice.

“Eleanor? Are you ok?” It was Liam’s voice. Rosie would know.

“Uh, yeah. I just…fell.”

“Um, alright. Louis said to tell you that management wants you two to go out today.” Rosie furrowed her eyebrows. Why would management plan their date?

“Thanks Liam. Tell Louis I’ll be right out.”

“No problem.” When Rosie was sure about what had happened, she left the bathroom. ‘Where did Eleanor put her clothes?’ She searched around the room before finding a few shirts and shorts in a drawer.

Grabbing the first outfit she saw, Rosie rushed back to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She changed into Eleanor’s clothes, did her -or Eleanor’s- hair

and slipped out.

‘Time to spend a day with Louis!’ Rosie grinned as she thought of all the things her and Louis could do that day. Well, it wasn’t very much, but at least she was with Louis.

She sprinted out of the room and right into another body. Both of them fell to the floor with a loud thud.

“Eleanor? What’s gotten into you? You’re not usually this fast.” Rosie looked up, coming face-to-face with none other than Louis Tomlinson. She immediately stood up and brushed off whatever dust might’ve gotten on her. She faced Louis, grinning brightly.

“Oh, um, I was just excited to spend the day with you!” She said nervously while running a hand through her hair. Louis eyed her, a bit confused at how she was behaving.

“Alright then…I assume you’re ready to go?” He asked gesturing to the stairs of the hotel. Rosie nodded and headed towards them. When she realized Louis wasn’t coming, she turned around and waved him over.

“You coming or what?” Louis slowly nodded, a confused look still plastered on his face. He shook out of it and followed Rosie down the stairs.


“Eleanor? What are you doing?” Louis questioned as Rosie - or Eleanor - tightly gripped his hand. “Are you feeling okay?” He asked cautiously. Rosie nodded quickly, taking another sip of her frappe.

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