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In the shower Scott held Liam under the water. Growls echoed in the room. "A little help" Scott said. Stiles walked over to Liam and helped Scott hold him. Maya took a step toward Liam. "I got this" Stiles and Scott looked at each other. Scott nodded and stepped back. "We're right here. Just scream or just say something." Maya nodded and grabbed Liam's arms around here waist. "Maya what are you doing?" Liam growled. "Shut up baby beta. I got this. Just promise not to let go." Liam's face soften, "Listen to my heart beat. I know you can match mine. Remember we're going to get through this together, I promise. And when I promise something I kept it. Pinky promise." Maya smirked. The blonde rested her arms on Liam's chest.

Liam rested his forehead on Maya's. Maya watched as Liam's features changed. Liam finally opened his eyes to see the smile on the young Harts lips. "Told ya." Liam began to lean in and Maya quickly moved away. "I.. I have to go. And I am taking you hoodie." Maya said as she picked the hoodie on her way out.


Maya sat on her bed as she starred at her reflection. She sat in Liam's red hoodie.

In front of her sat two brothers, twins to be exact. "Does it hurt you as much as it hurt me." Maya's eyes watched carefully the scene as it unfolded in front of her. "Yeah" "Lydia never believed I was one of the good guys anyways." "Aiden she'll believe me."

Maya's phone rang disturbing her flashback. She quickly rubbed her eyes and grabbed her phone.

Sorry about earlier. I crossed the line. I am really sorry. Please come to the game. I need my good luck charm (;

Maya smiled. There was something about Liam that made her forget what the word no mean't. She just couldn't say no to the boy. And every time he erupted butterflies in her stomach.

Wouldn't miss it.

Maya quickly got to her feet and made her way out of the house. Once at the game Maya spotted Liam. "D-bag kidding but it isn't that bad of a nickname." Maya laughed as she took a seat between Mason and Liam. "Why can't you just call me Liam?" Maya crossed her legs and looked at her nails. "Well Liam that's just no fun is it? So what is it going to be baby... I mean, Scott JR, baby Sciles. Oh and my favorite Dun-baby"

"I'll pass. Maya this is my best friend Mason." "Ouch I thought I was your best friend." Maya teased. "Well Mason it's nice meet you." "Same. I am just happy to know Liam wasn't make you up."  Mason teased. The blonde laughed but her laugh was cut short when she noticed Brett a couple a feet in front of her. Brett had removed his shirt, "I don't care if he's a foot taller then me. I think I can take him." Liam said as pulled on his gloves. "Uh yeah" Maya and Mason said. "What do you think your doing?" Liam asked a bit hurt. "I am?" Maya said. "We're uh we're arguing with you." Mason said. "What he said." Maya said as she pointed a finger at Mason. Brett sent Maya a wink and she faked to throw up.

"You think he's hot don't you?" Liam asked. "Me?" Maya asked. Liam nodded his head. "He's not my type. Not a big fan of cocky assholes. But I think Mason does." Liam smiled at Maya's comment. "He wants to destroy me" Liam reminded his best friend. "I think you could definitely  take him. And then give him to me." The trio broke into a fit of laughter. "Just kick some ass." Maya said.

Maya's mind drifted, all she could think about the twins from vision. "You know I've  never seen Liam act this way. He really likes you" Mason said. Maya's cheeks flushed, "uh I uh." The blonde's phone rang disturbing her sentence. "I have to answer this." Maya said. She walked away from Mason and answered her phone. "Maya?" "Lydia? Lydia who's Aiden?" "Maya how do you know about Aiden?" Lydia asked. "I saw him die. Why didn't you believe he was the good guy? Lydia?" Maya said faintly. "Maya?! Maya are you okay?" Lydia asked.

"I am fine. I just need to sit down. I'll call you later." Maya said as she hanged up. The blonde took a deep breath as she walked to the locker room. Everything in her body told her to go to the locker rooms. It was weird she couldn't control herself. Once in the locker room Maya spotted Brett being chocked to death. Maya grabbed the fire distinguisher hit the girl attacking Brett. That's when Maya recognized her, Violet. Violet smirked, "Maya Hart if only you knew the truth. You'd probably kill him to."

Violet got up from her spot on the floor and walked over to Maya. "You know Maya, you've been hanging out with Scott and his friends ever since you moved here. And if you've noticed Scott only hangs out with supernatural freaks. I guess what I am trying to say is what are you?" Violet asked as she moved closer to Maya. The blonde stepped back crashing into the wall.

Maya felt this strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Maya opened her mouth and let out a loud ear splitting scream. Within a few seconds Scott stormed through the door. Violet attacked Scott as Maya tried to wake up Brett. "Hey asshole wake up!" Maya screamed. But her screaming didn't last long. So many things had been happening to her and the visions had drained her. Her new found abilities were to much for her. Everything became blurry and Maya's body fell to the floor.

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