The Bridge

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There's this bridge that's not far from my town but it's rumored to be haunted and this is the history.

Long ago, back in 1803 there was this young fellow name Joseph Edwards. One day Joseph came home from work and wanted to kiss his wife until he heard some noises from upstairs and decided to check it out.

The noises were coming from his bedroom and he opened the door and discovered that his wife was making out with another person. After that awful discovery, Joseph became depressed and decided that he didn't want to go on with another day of life.

That day he picked up some rope from his house and headed to a bridge that was in a nearby park. He then tied the rope from the bridge and hung himself.

Till this day, the bridge is rumored to be haunted. There are rumors that the ghost of Joseph can be spotted every midnight from the bridge where he hung himself. There's another rumor that if you stick around the time when Joseph's spirit sees you, then you'll be hung just like him.

One day a teenager named Frank and his friends wanted to see if the rumors of the bridge were true. So his friends dared him to go to the bridge and stay there for the whole evening until midnight.

Frank did what they said and left his house and went straight to the bridge. He waited and waited until he looked at his watch and it was 11:59. Frank was excited by the fact that he needed only one more minute to experience the spirit of Joseph. Frank looked around and there was nothing but silence until he heard a crack and it sounded like a person.

The next day Frank's friends went to check out the bridge, but what they saw sent chills down their spines. They found Frank hung in the center of the bridge.

Til this day no one talks about the incident of Frank and also his friends never go close to that bridge.

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