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My dad told me this story and I thought it was scary ever since I was a little girl.

There was a nun on her way to a small town in Montana, on the Cheyenne reservation. She was supposed to be at a church meeting and was running a little late. It was very dark outside, and she was worried as it was getting late. She believed in God, and wasn't afraid of anything, well almost anything.

She was getting very tired as she turned to glance at her car radio's clock. It was 10:15 p.m. When she looked back at the road, she saw a figure, standing there. She wanted to drive by, but she was trusting and thought she could use the company of an stranger. As she pulled over to the side of the road, this man walked over to her side of the car. He was a pale white, tall man, and wore a huge overcoat, and a big black hat.
"Excuse me sir, do you want a ride?"
He looked down upon her and smiled.
"Why, sure, where are you going?"
She didn't like the way he sounded, but, she was polite to him.
"I'm heading to the church in Busby. Are you going that way?"
"Yes," he said as her got in the back of the car, " Thank you, for stopping. Usually, no one stops for hitch-hikers this late at night."
She smiled and felt like she had known him well.

All the way to Busby, she told him about her faith and what she did. He listened and laughed, once in a while. He usually laughed after she had spoke about God. She thought he was agreeing with her, so she said nothing and thought little about it.

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