"It's okay Miss. I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered to her.

She seemed to relax a little and I picked her little body up and cradled her in my arms. When I moved my hand from her leg, I felt something wet on it and I looked down.

My eyes widened as I noticed the huge amount of blood coming from between her legs, down her legs to the ground. I connected the pieces and realized what just happened to her.

I looked back up at her face when she spoke. Her voice so soft that I barely heard it.


Her caramel brown eyes stared at me as she spoke from her cracked lips again.

"Help me." She said, her voice broke as a tear fell down her cheek and started to sob.

"Shhhh." I told her, rocking her in my arms. "Everything's going to be okay."

Take her pain away Harry. Ahriman said in my head. Give her peace.

I continued to stare into the woman's eyes as she stared silently back.

Look into her head. The male voice said again.

Search for her life energy source. You'll be able to feel it very easily. A woman voice said.

I did what the voices in my head said and I looked inside the woman's mind through her eyes. I could feel her life source, it was like a thread of string that was very thin and short.

She's so close to the edge of death. I thought.

Now pull her energy source out of her. The other woman's voice said. Absorb it, drink it, breath it in.

I brushed the woman's dark brown hair back as I breathed deeply, pulling her energy out and into me. I listened to heart and her breathing as they both slowed.

Her lips turned up in a small smile.

"Thank you... Angel." She said.

Ba-Boom... 1...2...3... Ba-Boom

Her heart sounded and as I pulled the last bit of energy from her, I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. When I pulled away, her heart stopped as did her breathing.

Kiss of death. The male voice said.

I looked down at her and raised my hand up, closing her eyes and hugged her lifeless body to me as a sob escaped my mouth.

"Why do you cry, Child?" Ahriman asked.

"Because... This woman was just beaten and raped to death." I said. "No one deserves to die like this... And I just-"

"Brought her peace." He cut me off. "You felt how she was on the edge of death and instead of letting her die in pain. You let her die in peace. Think of it as you are being the real-life version of Atropos."

I was quiet as I remembered reading the Greek mythology of the Moirai Sisters. They were the three witches from that movie Hercules. Clotho was the one that spun the tread of life. Lachesis is the one that measures it, our life span. Then Atropos is the one that actually cuts the tread, ending our life.


I looked up at Ahriman.

"It is time you except your title." He said. "You are Death. Death is your element. Yes, there is bad in your powers but there is also good."

He pointed down at the woman.

"Thanks to you, her soul has crossed over to heaven." He said. "And as a thank you the rest of her energy has strengthened you."

"So, If I kiss someone will they die?"

I admittingly thought of Niall.

"No, they will not die. Only if there on the edge of death." Ahriman said.

You see. Your power isn't evil but it's also not good. The woman said.

Like your friend's powers.

"How?" I said. "Niall is light. How is that bad?"

"If I am not mistaken." Ahriman said. "Niall's element is water. Which means he can turn it to ice. If he is not careful he can freeze his emotions, turning himself cold."

Speaking of cold, the woman's body was starting to get cold and I stood up, carrying her over to a bench and laid her down so, someone will find her easily.

"That'll never happen." I said, turning to face Ahriman. "Niall doesn't see it but, he's the strongest one of us all. Without him, they'll be no hope for us... For anyone."

"And yet I'm here because you needed my help."

"For personal reasons."


He lifted his head up, looking down at me.

"Come. Let's leave this place." He said and I nodded, taking a breath and appeared in front of my Washington house.

I transported to my bed room and I fell back on the bed, letting sleep take over me.

End of chp.35

-Book 3 is currently being made. :)
Happy Holidays Everyone! Love you All! -

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