Ticci Toby : II

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It's about time I updated!!! I'm so sorry about the long wait but I've been extremely busy so far with school and homework. So sorry if there are any mistakes once again. Oh and btw if you like Kuroko no Basuke, then go take my survey on who I should do first, second, etc. for this Halloween special one shots on Kuroko no Basuke. It's about a Killer AU I made up so go check it out! I would really like to hear from you before Friday because that's when the survey closes and I start writing the one shots! Till the next chapter, sayonara!


You're still alive. It's been three days since you started caring for Toby. His cold hazel eyes had glared into your (e/c) kinder and softer ones, it seemed at any moment he would pounce on you and strangle you by your neck. You clearly remember his giant figure looming over your small height of five foot five. Your smaller body barely reached the height of his shoulders, in fact you were probably at the height of his chest. A slightly crazed smile played weakly along his lips as he had tried to keep a straight face with you. His disorientated figure would continued to shake wildly as he just stood in front of you. Though he stood there for a few mere seconds, it felt like an eternity to you. Your feet felt like they were frozen to the ground, the same exact fear your body gave off when the killers had approached you earlier. That wasn't a dream. This wasn't a dream. There was no way to wake up from this nightmare, no way to-

"Hey (y/n)? Are you okay? You've been blanking out a lot for the past few days, ever since you got that new job..." a kind and soothing voice spoke out, you felt yourself fade back to the present. The terrifying image of Toby looming over you vanished, allowing a view of a simple coffee shop take it's place. The classical wood walls with oddly cut rock floor sent your fear and insecurity to oblivion.

A pleasant female's face now replaced itself in the place of Toby's looming figure. She sat across the varnished table, giving you a concerned look. Her black medium length hair framed her face as a single blue highlight ran through, contrasting with the original black locks. Her straight black hair was perfectly parted in the middle. A pair of rectangular blue framed glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. Though a thick book was held in her right hand, her left held a phone. An iPhone 6 to be exact. She had chocolate brown eyes that fit her face perfectly, her pinkish lips were formed into a small frown. Though by this age, women would probably put on a whole mask of makeup, but she wore none, bringing out her natural beauty. Her face was slightly rounded, not from any extra weight, but the fact that her original face was just shaped that way. This girl's name was Crystal, a twenty-one year old woman just like you. In fact, she went to the exact same highschool as you, you and her were very close friends. You guys had went separate ways after high school because of different interests and college professions. Though you guys had went to different schools and went different ways, you guys still managed to keep in touch. Crystal had always been a very understanding and kind person, you've never met anyone nearly as kind as her. You could give anything thing to her and she would say it was good or that she really liked it, if ever you wanted encouragement, then you would definitely go to her. But it seemed at time she would get really sarcastic which threw you off quite a bit because it was difficult to tell whether she was serious about how she thought or not.

"O-oh, I'm fine. Just a little stress." you answered, though you were partially lying, but majority of that was correct. You were stressed. Extremely stressed in fact. Toby's been giving you an extremely hard time, he refused to allow you to help him. Each time you reach out to him, he seems to just lock himself away from you. You swore you were going to grow white hairs because of him. You've tried to talk to Toby about the happier things in life than the unbelievable troubles he's went through, but it seems each time you try, he changes the subject which ends up with him talking about his problems. You've tried to get him to list off, or at least tell you about some of the happy things that happened or things he liked and even hobbies. No matter what you asked trying to get things to be happier and talk about the better things in life, it would always swerve downhill with him. If you asked him about something happy that happened in his life, he would always answer around the idea of his father finally dying or him killing his father. If you asked him about he liked or any hobbies he had, he would answer with death, murder, or eating at the flesh of his hands. Yeah... gross.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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