The Fairy Tail

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A Changed Story

The Fairy Tail


*Nobody's POV*

Natsu looked out the window at the seemingly endless property of his father, well, adoptive father. Natsu Dragneel was son of Fuyu Dragneel (A/N; Fuyu means winter in Japanese), the wealthiest man in all of Fiore. His property stretched from the house all the way to the end of the nearest mountain, he also seemed to have a village for his entire team of "servants" Natsu didn't like to refer to them as such but rather more like family. The reason being; his only family now are them and his flying cat partner Happy, since his father spends most of his time working in his study so he spends little to no time with his son. Sometimes it makes Natsu wonder why he even adopted him, but knowing his father it was most likely so he could be trained to assume ownership over his company and be the heir to the Dragneel fortune. But the day he was brought to the estate he met a dragon named Igneel that taught him fire DSM. (DSM= Dragon slayer magic) Because of the expansive size of the estate the dragon was unnoticeable, if Fuyu ever actually looked up from his work that is. Natsu grumbled, but then his mind plunged deep into reasons about why Igneel vanished when he was only around 8 years old, and where he had gone off to. The only things he has to remember him by are Happy, and the scarf Igneel gave him before he left. He thought about why his father kept him locked up in this mansion and away from the outside world. Often times he wondered if he would ever be able to see the outside world at all. These ideas plagued him for as many years; so now Natsu was 17 and holed up in a mansion and he decided he would no longer be stuck here.

He would leave, for good.

He changed out of his tuxedo that Fuyu always made him wear and just left his boxers on, that's how he slept and no one had any problems. He had already explained his plan prior to the rest of his family, they held back tears seeing their little boy all grown up, but they all knew it was about time. Once the morning sun had arisen and Natsu was dressed in a black vest with orange trimming showing off his tan, toned torso. His scarf that Igneel gave him as a reminder that he would always be there with him, and a black waist coat also with the same orange trimming overtop of his knee high white shorts with black ribbons tying the shorts tight to his legs. He wore black sandals because the only other shoes he had were dress shoes. He slowly walked up to the door to his father's study He knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in' from the man he despised the most, he collected his courage and took a step in the door with his buddy Happy for support.  Fuyu looked up from his paperwork with a distasteful gaze as he spied his outfit. "What on earth are you wearing?! I thought I raised you well enough to appreciate proper dress! I will not tolerate a Dragneel wearing something that horrid!" Happy grimaced at the welcoming,

"Sorry father," Natsu replied without raising his view of the floor "Now what is it son? What have you so rudely interrupted my work for child!?" Happy flinched at the tone of voice used by Natsu's adoptive father, Natsu was gathering his courage and opened his mouth just as Fuyu lost his patience "You-! You come in here, disturb my work, and refuse to speak up?! What kind of a man am I raising?! Who doesn't speak his mind?! You will be no good of an heir to the company if you don't even have the courage to speak up to your own father!-"

"You're no father to me!" Natsu cut him off, sick of his stream of disrespect. "You've never been anything close to fatherly to me!" "The only thing remotely fatherly that you've ever done is adopt me! Though you probably had one of your servants take care of that for you! You have never been family to me; the only family I have are Happy and the servants! They are the ones that actually care about me!" He said as though it was acid on his tongue, "the ones you say are worthless and tools, but you're no better. You talk about family, where is yours? huh?! Did you care for them just like you care for everyone else in this mansion?!" Natsu seethed, lashing out at his 'father', "I'm a 17 year old boy, and the only place I've been is this stupid prison of a mansion!! I've never even been to a school!! I need to see the world, I'm sick of this and most of all I'm sick of you." Natsu said, disgustedly, "You, the man who adopted a young boy for no other purpose than to be the heir of your stupid company! Well guess what?! There in no way in hell I'll EVER be going through anymore of your 'company heir traning', I'm done. I'm leaving you, this mansion, and your stupid company FOREVER! I'm never coming back!!" Natsu was breathless, his face red with anger, his breathing ragged, with his heart beating like he ran a mile in a minute, and he was slouched over a bit with his finger pointed in front of him. Happy was caught in a daze, he's never seen Natsu have such a heated argument before, and Natsu stared at his 'father' with his eyebrows furrowed and the giant weight lifted off his shoulders as relief flooded his system. He stared at the man at the desk who looked back at Natsu in disbelief and couldn't seem to form words. Natsu stood up straight and dusted off his vest, "Well if there's nothing more then I shall be on my way," Natsu said as he picked himself and walked out the doors one final time, Happy snapped out of his impressed state and followed Natsu out, only sparing one last glance at the man who ruined his best friend's life to see the man hanging his head down in shame. Happy caught up to Natsu as he was putting his motion sickness patches on, Natsu waved him over and boarded the train to Hargeon.   

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