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Sometimes I stare out my shattered window, watching the world as it burns.

I remind myself that this earth is derived of hope, and void of sanity. We are wanderers; lost to a purpose. We kill and die for a life that gives us nothing.

It's the fallout of our twisted universe.

I can no longer feel anything except sorrow. I am a servant to fear. My mind is a dark abyss, empty of will. I admit I am helpless and small against a plague of terror.

But this is how you let the destroyers win; you give up. Thanks to my stubbornness, I refuse to let myself die. I refuse to lose this sick game to people who want to watch me suffer.

A disease has been created to kill everyone last one of us. A weapon with no cure was sent to take away billions of lives, and for what? Why do they release such torment onto innocent people?

Why did I have to hold back my little sister as my mom ate my dad alive right in front of us?

Why did I have to shoot my own mother.

Unfortunately, all my questions have remained unanswered. I am stuck with unavoidable thoughts, impossible riddles, and a whole lot of prayers. I want to say there is no fight left inside me. I'd much rather time take me away than attempting to survive in such a shit hole. But I didn't have much of a choice; Maya is still alive, and I plan to keep her that way.

No matter what we endured in the past, she deserved to see the beauty in the world, even if there wasn't much left. She refuses to give up, just like me. We will not let the destroyers win.

The dead have been brought back to life. The living have turned against each other. An infinite war has begun.


This will obviously be about the zombie apocalypse so if you're uncomfortable with strong language, adult scenes, and gore then please don't read. 

This is also fan fiction, so it is quite possible for something to be unrealistic, but I will try my best to avoid that.  

Please vote and comment! I'll be posting the first chapter in a few hours :)

Thanks ~K

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