Chapter 2

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We arrived at the Jackson household - late. When we got to the door, the sound of children screaming and running was practically bursting through the door. I felt Will's eyes on me while I hesitated to push the doorbell. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. "Go on, I'm sure they won't mind us coming late" he said leaning in.

I looked up at this beautiful man. My heart was pounding as he leaning in. Our lips were just about to meet when the door suddenly opened. We both stepped back to find Zoe standing there with a big toothy grin. "What ya doin'?" she asked in her normal adorable sing-song voice.

"Whoops" Will whispered in my ear. "J-just waiting f-for your parents" I said with a weak smile. At that moment, I felt Will's hand wonder down from my shoulder to my lower back and then some. I froze up then began the shaking that Will finds so adorable.

There was a long pause as Zoe stared at the two of us. She was at that age where she thought that love was the most coolest thing in the world and couples are the most specialist. "Can you go get them for us Zoe? My little Sunbaby seems to be a bit frozen" he said squeezing my butt which only made me jump and almost squeal.

Zoe sighed, looking just like her mother. "And why can't you just walk in?" she asked. Will's smile faltered but never disappeared. "Why can't you just go get them sweetie?" Will asked in a sing-song voice. Zoe rolled her eyes just as I began to feel my spine again. Zoe turned around, running back into the house.

"Gods, she's definitely the grand-daughter of Athena" Will muttered, scatching the back of his neck. I cracked a smile, that she was.

During the second war against Gaea (from my first book if youd didn't know), Annabeth had given Charlie, her son to me to protect. I let her down, Gaea's forces caught me just 4 hours later, because of me, Percy died or so we thought. As if killing Annabeth's husband wasn't enough, I contacted Percy and didn't tell her. To add to the long road of hurting Annabeth, I also had the biggest crush on her husband for years. Frankly, it was amazing that she would even let me in her house. She insisted that none of that mattered, that was then and this is now but I guess I never really got past that.

Percy soon came stumbling over to the door with Baby Will in his arms squirming around. "You should really tell Zoe not to open the door to strangers" my Will joked. Percy chuckled, "Except, y'all are no strangers. Come on in, the adults are on the patio and Leo and the kids are inside playing" Percy said opening the door wider.

"Um, we've got cake" I said holding the baked good up. Percy grinned, "Blue?" he asked. I nodded, of course. Percy laughed as Baby Will spit up on his shoulder.

"Percy, dude, you've got a little..." said my Will pointing to Percy's shoulder. Percy looked at it and sighed. "That's it little man, this is the third shirt today" Percy pouted. I set the cake on the counter and held out my arms.

"Go change, I'll hold him" I said softly. Kids, for some reason that is far beyond me, loved me. "You're a life saver" Percy said handing William to me. I held him close and both of the Will's just smiled at me.

"Shall we?" asked Will, extending his hand. With my free hand, I took his and walked to the patio.

Baby Will began to squirm in my arms so I gently rocked him and he soon fell asleep. When we got out there, the girls were in the corner, Piper with her daughter Willow, Hazel sitting next to a very pregnant Thalia (who was due 2 days ago but the child was showing no signs of coming any time soon) and of course Annabeth. Jason and Frank were manning the grill laughing about something or another. It was still cold but a light jacket was sufficient.

"Welcome boys, was traffic bad?" asked Hazel. Piper just smirked as I blushed. Will chuckled, "Something like that" he said softly. "Och!" cried Frank, pulling back his hand. "Frank?" asked Hazel with a concerned look.

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