Chapter 21: The Surprise Can Wait

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"Fine. It better be quick. My mom won't let me out too late. It is after all a school night." I explained.

"I know. I'm responsible enough to tell you to go to school." he explained.

"Um. No your not. Remember Monday? When I was suppose to be in class. But you wanted to talk. Yeah. Responsible. No. Bad influence. Yes. But I'm not complaining. I actually like spending my day with you." I smiled.

"I know you do. That's why I'm a bad influence. For our happiness." he smiled. I chuckled.

"Alright. So what makes you think the kanima is Jackson? How are you going to test it out?" I questioned.

"Well I also got attacked at the school the other day. And I swiped some venom." he stated. We arrived at the train station walking down the stairs to get to the cable car.

"Hey Isaac. Where's Erica?" I questioned.

"She went to get Jackson. I also want to talk to you about the other night." he stated.

"Err. Okay. What is there to talk about?" I questioned.

"We almost had sex. And not to mention you called me daddy. Which was hot." He smiled.

"Oh my god. I don't remember that. Oh wait never mind. I was high. So if I offended you in any way. I am sorry." I stated.

"Amanda." Derek called out. I groaned as I walked over to Derek.

"What did I just hear?" he growled.

"Chill. Nothing happened. I wouldn't do it on purpose. I would called you But I was mad. Very very mad." I stated.

"Well it better not happen again." he growled.

"Baby. I won't do it again. Because all I want is you. And only you?" I whispered in his ear slightly brushing my lips against it.

"You are testing my patience." he groaned.

"Well then we better get this finished. If you want a night of pleasure." I whispered cupping his member slowly rubbing it. He let out a small moan removing my hand. I looked down to see he was hard causing me to smirk. I sat down on a concrete brick. Derek sat next to me with a broken mirror on his lap.

"I'm guessing that's the venom?" I questioned. He nodded. Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Erica had strong hold on Jackson. Isaac also grabbed him to keep him still.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek questioned. Playing with the shard. Looking up at Jackson

"What? Nothing. Nothing happened." Jackson panted.

"You're lying." Derek stated. He slipped on black gloves.

"No wait. Wait. I can--I can prove it. I taped myself." Jackson said. I slightly chuckled as well as Isaac. Derek just smiled. I groaned. He needs to laugh at something or I am going to jump off the cliff at the beacon hills preserve.

"You taped yourself?" Isaac questioned.

"Yes. It was the full moon. And maybe While you were curled up in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster. I was preparing for the so called gift your big bad alpha promised me. And what did I get? Nothing. You want proof let me get the video." Jackson panted.

"No. I have a better idea." Derek smirked standing up walking over to Jackson.

"What is that? Oh." Jackson grunted as Erica held his head back. And Isaac grabbing his mouth open.

"You know Jackson you've always been kind of a snake... And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom." Derek stated pointing the end of the glass to Jackson's mouth as I saw a drop go inside his mouth. Jackson fell to the ground struggling for air. Derek backed up waiting as did Erica and Isaac. Derek walked up to Jackson.

"You're still a snake Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for." he walked into the cable car. Isaac walked up to jackson kneeling in front of him.

"You're still gonna have to do one more thing for us. Well actually. For me." Isaac smiled. I got off the concrete block making my way inside the cable car.

"Well. Not exactly what I expected. I don't like seeing that side of you Derek." I sighed.

"Amanda please don't start." he sighed.

"Don't start? Derek. That side of you scares me. Alright. I am scared when you get like that. Alright. I've tried so hard to break that wall down. And you doing that is building that wall." I explained.

"Amanda. What are you scared of?" he questioned.

"Losing you Derek. I can't lose you. Not again. It caused me So much pain. Too much pain Derek. I don't want You to leave me again. I don't want you to stop calling me or texting me. I can't go through that again. Not after what we've been through. Knowing you are my soul mate makes it worse. It makes everything worse." I stated tears forming in my eyes. I'm So emotional today.

"Amanda I'm not going anywhere. Especially now.. These rings Amanda, Show that I want to live the rest of my life with you. And only you." he explained walking to me engulfing me in a hug. I hugged him tightly burying my face in his chest.

"Do you promise?" I questioned.

"I do promise. I love you." he smiled kissing the top of my head.

"I want to cuddle with you." I smiled.

"Don't you want that surprise?" He questioned.

"No. Not anymore. That surprise can wait another day. Unless its a puppy then no we can't leave it alone or it will starve." I stated.

"No. Its not a living thing. And it can wait for another day. Lets get into bed. And cuddle the night away." he smiled lying down in bed. I chuckled lying next to him. I poked his sides.

"Stop." he smiled grabbing his sides. He's ticklish. I got on top of him as I began to poke his sides repeatedly.

"Stop." he struggled to say as he was on the verge of laughing. Until finally he began to laugh. Which made me smile widely at him.

"That's it." He growled playfully flipping us over as he began to tickle me. I began to laugh so hard. Screaming for him to stop.

"D-derek. P-Please. S-sstop." I begged as tears formed in my eyes. He then stoped looking me in the eyes searching them. I began to search his. He leaned in giving me a passionate gentle kiss. He pulled away looking at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down as I kissed him. I flipped us over so I was on top. I removed his shirt tossing it on the ground, leaving trails of kisses from his lips to his neck all the way to his chest. I unbuckled his pant pulling them off of him. I got back on him as I began to kiss his lips. He flipped us over as he began to remove my shirt and pants. I was left in my undergarments.

"Isaac is in the next room." Derek whispered.

"I don't mind. I want you Derek. I need you." I begged. He smirked kissing down to my chest as he unclasped my bra as my boobs were exposed. He began to sick on one breast while he played with the other. I let out a moan as my hands raked through his hair.

"Derek Please." I moaned. He stopped as he pulled down his boxer briefs. His hard member popping out.

"Mhm." I moaned bitting my lip. He slid my panties off leaving both of us naked. He slowly entered me as I moaned loudly. Adjusting myself he began to thrust. My nails digging into his back leaving scrathes that healed as soon as my nail went by.


After reaching our climax we let go of our juices panting for air. He release himself covering us with the blanket.

"I love you." he whispered pulling me close to him.

"I love you." I smiled cuddling into his chest sleep taking over.

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