Chapter 1: It's a New Beginning

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A lot has happened since Kate was killed. Derek is the alpha now. Jackson that stupid idiot got the bite. Scott is forced to break up with Allison, But he is still secretly dating her. Peter is buried at the hale house. Sad to see him die. I can feel something bad coming. Far worse than Kate. I was currently at the hospital, my mom wanted me in her sight when I wasn't at work.

"Amanda did you do you're homework?" Mom questioned.

"I don't have homework i'm ahead of the class. honor student. So I have free time." I sighed.

"Hey how is she?" Stiles asked walking up to us. He had a balloon and flowers for Lydia.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her. I'm in lock down so I must stay in my mothers sight." I stated.

"Oh yeah how is the punishment?" He asked.


"You still haven't healed?" He questioned.

"Stiles I can't really use my powers to heal the visible cuts. And well a broken leg doesn't heal to quickly now does it, but I did heal it. but I have to act like it's still broken. Plus My mom found out she would freak, SO no I'm slowly healing the normal way. Also a way to throw the Argent's off." I shrugged.

"Smart. Can I go see Lydia?" He asked.

"Family only. sorry bud. but you can wait. Have a seat." I smiled.

"Amanda you can go home. I expect you to get home before curfew." She stated. I sighed. I grabbed my keys driving home. Well I can make a quick stop. Isaac has become a total sweetheart to me. I came to the cemetery to surprise him. I finally spotted Isaac on a construction vehicle. I walked up to him.

"Hey babe." I said climbing on the big vehicle. He took his ear buds out.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He questioned smiling.

"I wanted to surprise you. I also brought you some lunch." I said sitting on his lap.

"You're the best." He said kissing my cheek.

"Who's grave are you making." I asked.

"Katherine Argent." He said.

"I would feel bad, but I feel bad for the hole. It has to be with a monster." I sighed.

"Hey what she did was terrible." Isaac said. I smiled.

"I have to get back. My mom gave me a curfew, since she doesn't trust the world anymore. I'll call you." I said kissing his cheek. I jumped off the machine landing on my feet.

"You could be a cat." Isaac joked. I chuckled.

"Don't do anything crazy. You still need to rest that leg." Isaac stated.

"Bye Isaac." I smiled walking to my car. I was half way through the cemetery when I heard a growl. I looked around. Not seeing anything I heard a scream. I quickly ran back to Isaac.

"Isaac." I yelled. I stopped when I inhaled as a strong scent hit my nostrils. I ran quicker to where Isaac was. I saw him standing there.

"Isaac?" I called out. He looked over at me.

"Hey. I thought you were going home?" He asked.

"I heard a scream so I came running as fast as I could. Are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He lied.

"Never mind. I'll see you later." I said walking away. He seemed off. I went to my car driving home. Once I got home. I went to my room.

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