Chapter 32: Neglected

Start from the beginning

I saw a smirk form on Lauren's face. She reached for the box, 'You don't need anything from that women, she abandoned you, she doesn't love you"

I saw Jace crying, she was trying to poison Jace against Jessica. I had to something about it . "Lauren, stop! He's just a kid" I yelled. She didn't care she picked up the box and carried it outside. "This is going into the garbage" she smiled.

"LAUREN, GIVE IT BACK" I shierked. I raced for the box and grabbed it out of her hands. Sid walked through the front door "What's going on?" Lauren began freaking out and telling him about how Jessica had sent the box and everything. He took hold of the box from me and handed it back to Lauren. "You can dispose of it" I couldn't believe Sid, it was like Lauren had cast a spell on his mind to make him do what she wanted. "Sid, Jessica sent that for Jace, you can't just throw those things" I snapped.

He ignored me and made his way to Jace and wished him happy birthday. Jace was still crying. Sid hugged him and whispered something into his ear. "Your right, my mommy would have never left me if she loved me. She doesn't love me, she hates me. I never want to see her again' He reached for his neck and ripped the necklace off, and ran upstairs. "Sid, this isn't right" I cried.

'He's our son, we can tell him whatever we want, don't interfere with our lives' yelled Lauren.

Sid began to talk "No one going to mention Jessica in front of him, its better if we all forget her and move on," He bent down and picked up the necklace, he walked over to the trash can and was about to throw it in, but I stopped him and kept the necklace. "I wish I had never brought Jessica with me to the Winter Classic, I helped ruin her life' I said.

Sid ignored me "Where's chase?" he asked Lauren.

"Upstairs babe, he's sleeping. I tried to wake him up but he didn't want to be woken just yet" smiled Lauren. Chase was lauren and Sid's son. He was only 2 but was the biggest brat I had ever seen. Lauren had spoiled him so much. Sid paid more attention to Chase then Jace. Only reason I kept visiting this house was to make sure Jace was being treated right. Everything was so wrong, I wanted Jessica back, but I knew she hated Sid and wanted nothing to do with him.

Lauren walked upstairs and Sid stayed. He settled down on the couch and turned on the T.V. 'Sid don't you ever miss Jessica?' I asked. He looked at me and gestured for me to sit down on the couch. "I did love her at one point, but she didn't love me. There was no point in keeping her prisoner as my wife when she wanted to be with Neal"

"Haven't you realized that you divorced her and yet she still didn't go for Neal. If she loved Neal she would have gotten together with him, but she didn't. Sid you let a misunderstanding seprate Jessica from you. You didn't even bother to check on her and see how she's raising two kids on her own." I asked.

"Samantha forget it, I'm with Lauren now. And how do you know Jessica didn't get married as well? I don't want to hear anything about Jessica any more, we are over with. Its better if we move on then look at the past" replied Sid.



Lauren had been watching from the Stairs. She saw everything, Sid left and walked towards her. Lauren winked at me and ran into Sid's arms. He kissed her and picked her up and carried her away. I made my way towards Jace. "Let's have fun, it's your birthday" He didn't say anything, he was to sad and wanted to be with Jessica, but Sid had his custody.

"Daddy doesn't even care about me anymore, it's my birthday. He's suppose to be with me" said Jace as he began crying. I hated the fact that he was crying on his birthday. "Jace cheer up, your friends are coming over tonight, let's go to the arena and set up" I picked him up in my arms . "I'll try and see if I can get in touch with your mommy again and maybe we can talk to her again" I smiled.

His face immediately lit up and he hugged me tight 'You're the best" I put Jace down and walked up the stairs to Sid's room. It seemed like Sid had totally forgotten it was Jace's birthday and wasn't paying much attention to him. I knocked on Sid's door, but he wasn't opening it. I knocked a couple more times and finally Sid came out. "What do you want now?" He spoke rudely.

Sid was starting to annoy me, I wanted Jessica here so bad today, atleast Jace wouldn't have felt like no one care about him "Um you do remember its Jace's birthday and that his parties tonight at the Igloo and you guys all have to show right'

"Shit, Don't worry I'll come, and I'll get the arena staff to set up" stated Sid. He began to message someone on his phone and a few second later he told me everything for the party will be set up by the time we reach there.

"Sid I really think you should spend time with Jace, He's misses you and he feels like you don't love him anymore"

Sid looked at me If I were crazy "What do you mean? I'm always with Jace, he would have told me if he felt like that. Don't worry he's my son I can handle him"

"SID CAN YOU PICK UP CHASE, HE'S CRYING" yelled Lauren from inside her room.

"The highness awaits your arrival' I said annoyingly.

"Here can you take my card and get Jace something nice for his birthday?" pleaded Sid.

"Sid he's your kid, you should go get him something. Sid you need to get a hold of Jace before its too late, he's feeling neglected."

Lauren came towards the door 'Stop interfering in our lives, Jace is perfectly find, stop posioning his mind"

"Yeah Sam, he's my son, I know what's right for him" added Sid.

I couldn't stand Lauren, she had some sort of spell on Sid, He would happily give up his life for her if she asked "Fine whatever, and Sid a little tip, stop being your wives slave, she going to ruin you"

I couldn't stand the two anymore and I left from his house and drove back to my house. I opened the door and headed for my room. "Samantha what's wrong?" asked Malkin as he raced after me. "Nothing" I mumbled as I burried my face into my pillow. "This is about Jessica isn't it? Sam just forget about her, we don't even know where she is or if she still alive or dead" spoke Malkin

Warm tears rolled down my eyes "She's alive Malkin, Jace spoke with her, she also sent him a birthday gift. I can feel her suffering, we need to find her"

"If that's true, I promise, I'll do my best to find Jessica and see how she's doing. We'll help her together" said Malkin as he wiped away my tears and kissed my cheek.

'Anyways, Let's head to the arena and see if all the arrangements for Jace's party have been made" smiled Malkin

Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal Love) Sidney Crosby  Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now