After getting ready in record eight minutes, I rushes to the car saying bye to Roberts.

"I say, just leave her. She will learn her lesson and never be late for college." I caught Harry's voice.

"She'll be down soon." Grayson assured.

"You were not the one who woke her up. She looked like a witch. Her hairs were like nest. It'd take at least thirty minutes to fix them." He argued.

I ran my hand through my hair. They were not tangled. How dare he?

It was behind my back so I missed a dry leaf embedded in my hair that belonged to the woods. It fell down not making any noise.

"Good Morning Grayson," I made myself visible to them.

"Good Morning Sera." He flashed me a million dollar smile.

"Get into the car. We are getting late." Harry barked.

I glared at him and jumped into the backseat.

Who stole his favorite toy?

We arrived at college. Grayson and Harry were busy in conversation about football game. I tuned them out and stared out of the window.

That nightmare felt so real. It only rose my interest. Maybe it was just my imagination. A thing like that purple ball does not exist.

Grayson killed the engine as we approached college. He said something and threw keys at Harry before walking away. The blue eyed boy got out of the car and I followed him.

Harry didn't talk much and I was busy with the thoughts of that mysterious ball.

Before I knew, college was already over. We made our way to the car. Harry got in driver's seat.

"Where is Grayson?" I asked him.

"He's taking ride with his girlfriend." Harry replied.

"Girlfriend?" I asked confused opening the door of passenger seat.

"Brittany Fray," he replied.

Brittany Fray. The same girl who was flirting with Harry yesterday is Grayson's girlfriend today.


He chuckled at my surprise. "You won't be able to bully her now. Grayson is now her hero."

I rolled my eyes. "I know that much okay. And I don't need a hero. Many things changed over years."

"That I can agree with," he nodded looking at me up and down.

"Look at the road." I snapped and he chuckled again doing as I asked. A hint of smirk was visible on his pale face.

I stared at him. He was handsome. I can't sent that but there's nothing on his face fascinating me. He was a plain bad boy who was not a player. But whenever he talked or looked at me with those beautiful eyes, I couldn't help but feel something... weird.

I don't like him. No I don't. He's just friendly. Rudely friendly. But friendly anyways.

I shook my head leaning my head against the window and stared outside. My thoughts travelled to that purple light. What was it?


"So Grayson is on date with his lady friend." Ariana nodded her head.

Jane rolled her eyes. "It's like the hundredth girl he's on date with. I worry for him."

"Don't worry Jane. Grayson can take care of himself." I tried to assure her bringing a glass of water to my lips.

"I know. I'm just worried. What if he catches an STD or gets a girl pregnant."

Water sprayed from my mouth on the person sitting ahead me who happened to be Harry.

His eyes were shut. I tentatively reached for a towel and patted it on Hus face. He opened his eyes once I was finished. All he did was glare at me while both sisters laughed.

"I'm sorry." I laughed nervously.

He didn't say anything and turned away from me. He started fiddling with his phone and I sighed in relief.

"You mean Grayson is a player," I brought the conversation back to Grayson and places the glass far away from me.

"I don't know. But he's never with one girl." And that means he is a player.

"How do you know that he's never with one girl?"

"Molly's friend's sister has been Grayson's classmate for years. She tells her sister who tells Molly who tells me and I tell my sister." Ariana explained in a breath. It was a complicated web. Molly is Harry's older sister. She is older than Grayson. Gina is the oldest one. Both girls are in New York.

"What about you Harry? Do you have a girlfriend?" Jane brought Harry under light.

"No," he answered flatly.

"What? I haven't heard about you having a girlfriend in past year." Ariana grinned. "Who is the girl you turned celibate for?"

Wait! What?

"There's no one." Harry muttered. His eyes darted from corner to corner. It screamed 'there is someone' loudly.

"Who is she? She turned a player to a saint. She must be someone special." She nudged her son.

Harry groaned loudly. "No one,"

"Is she from California? Are you two on a break? Are there is long distance relationship?" Ariana pressed.

"There is no relationship." Harry protested.

"After high school your dad and I went to different colleges," Ariana started dreamily, "We maintained long distance relationship for four years."

Harry stood up and walked away shaking his head. I chuckled as Ariana continued to tell about her love story.

I stared out of the window. Tomorrow I'm going to woods in broad daylight.

** ***
I know I'm late with updates. I'm really sorry for that. (I'm hearing this sentence from others from past week)

Chapters coming at faster pace now.


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