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"There is much more to this than you would ever think"

You smell like ashes and rain,
Have you been trying to hide the pain?
Fade Pretty Princess Fade,
Fade ugly Princess Fade,
When will you be good enough for the crowds?
Your hips are too wide, you cannot hide
Your thighs are too heavy; holding you in place for their attacks
When will you be good enough to the crowds princess?
Your skin is too diseased
You will never win the pageant of their hearts
Your beauty has been cripple by acne; strange deformity
Your arms are thick; no man will want to hold you
Fade Pretty Princess Fade,
Fade Ugly Princess Fade,
You smell of ashes and rain
Have you been trying to hide the pain?
Your feet are large
Always tripping and falling over them; you land on your face
Your hands are not pretty; eating you nails when nervous and they have become hard
Calloused from your constant fall
You are a blinder to this empire princess
You are the bad apple
Carried your stench of fear around long enough
We are sorry princess; You must leave,
Come other prince might accept you
Fade Pretty Princess Fade
Fall Pretty Princess Fall
I cannot believe you turned out to be such an ugly whore.

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