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"What's wrong?" He asked.
Then I replied.

My reply

"I hold every memory like a broken art gallery
I keep hiding myself
I have all your words hidden inside
I am my own soul barf
Can you imagine how frustratingly cool that is?!
No? Well I wouldn't expect you to

You people aren't like me
You call me crazy
But you make me crazy
Now that I  think about it
You, in your entirety,
You are crazy
How can you....

Abandon me
How can you....

Leave me
Give me your everything
Pour all your unbalanced emotions into me and then you leave me
How could you?

But you call yourself

Wait. I'm sorry
I might have went off track in answering your question.
What is wrong with me!?!"

He only asked what was wrong and I guess at the time, in my state, that was the only answer I could have given him.

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