Thought or Memory

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What do I call these?
Thoughts or Memories.

I don't know what to do
Lately everything has been about you
I see you


I almost pulled a random guy into a hug the other day
By my bus stop

I feel you
All the time!
There is a lingering warmth on my cheek
Where you last kissed me
I still feel the slight pressure of your shaking hands on my waist
The comfort of you body against mine
When you hugged me!


I cannot explain this!
And I'm still trying to decide if these are
Memories or thoughts
Because honestly,

If these are memories, I'm losing them in all these tears!
Maybe that's why I can't remember if you wear glasses or not!
And if these are thoughts, well hell!
I am obsessed with your existence!

You held my hand. Thought or Memory?
You said you loved me. Thought or Memory?
You wrote me poetry, wrote me a song even though you never had the ability to sing,
Thought or Memory?

You left me.
Bright and sparkling Memory.

You loved me.

I can't remember, but I know one thing for sure
You mean everything to me.

What do you think?
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