Chapter 1: Memories

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A/N: Hey guys thank you for choosing this story and reading Book 1. I really appreciate it. I hope you like the sequel and I have nothing against Jessica Caban and Bruno Mars relationship. Enjoy

4 years later....

Time goes to fast, but the past 4 years have been wonderful, watching my little girl grow up. It's amazing how Bruno and I made this perfect child. Sure it wasn't all fun and games, our first few months I nearly had a mental breakdown, Bruno thought I had postnatal depression, but I was just having trouble with the change, with Bruno and I moving on from the Jessica situation, the lack of sleep was especially hard on me, I was always a sleeping in type of person. And on top of all the my parents seemed to find a way to the location to where Bruno and I lived...Boy, that was a very very bad day too.

3 years ago:

"Bruno!", I called as I watch our daughter trying to stand

He burst through the door with a panick look.

"What? What's wrong?", He asks
"Um, Alia was standing by herself", I say as I look at her in her playpin.
"Really?", He says and a smile grows on his face

"Alia", I call

She didn't look.

"Momma", I say

Her big brown eyes met mine and she smiles. She grabs onto the railing, she pulls herself up, and stands up with a smile on her face.

"Yay!", Bruno say and picks her up."My Angel baby is growing up"

That was his nickname for her. He always calls her that and I'm really thinking that we should've named her Angel since that's what she's being called. I smiled at the thought.

He sits her on the blanket in the floor with her toys and she starts to play with them giggling at the noises they make. I stand up and go into the kitchen where Bruno had went to. He sits at the table in front of his laptop on I believe is Periscope.

"Sorry Hooligans My angel baby was standing up by herself", he smiles
"Are you on Periscope?", I asked and stood behind him

Then the comments began to come faster. They were all so sweet.

Hi Bella!
Where's Alia?
When's the wedding?
Follow me on Twitter!
I love your new hair color!

"Hi, guys. Um, Alia is playing right now", I laugh
"The wedding is Next year", Bruni infroms

Can we go!
Are we invited!?!

"Maybe we'll have a contest in which 2 people plus one each can come to our wedding", I say

The doorbell rings which is weird.

"Bye guys!", I say and went to answer the door

I opened it and gasped. It was my parents.

"Bruno!, Get off of Periscope!", I say still looking at them.
"Bye guys love you my hooligans", I hear him say

I hear the chair scrape against the floor and footsteps approching.

"What's wrong-"

There's silence.

"Hi Bella", my mother says and hugs me
"Hey", I say uneasily

We were all quiet not knowing what to do.

"Aren't you going to invite us in?", My father says

I looked at Bruno and he slowly nods. I opened the door wider for them to walk in just as Alia decides to cry. My eyes widened as Bruno turns from us and dissapears into the living room.

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