"He is not someone you want to spend time with," Lambert assures me.

"He's a scam artist," Chezem mutters quietly. "Probably thinks you're a Princess or a Lady." His golden eyes widen. "Not that you aren't a lady, of course."

I smile. "It's alright, Chezem," I say. "I'm not offended."

"He is right; however," Lambert says. "Why not have some fun? Mingle, dance, drink – not too much – and enjoy yourself. Even if you are waiting for someone." He smiles knowingly.

"I can't just dance with strangers," I say helplessly.

Lambert sighs and steps aside, affording me a view of Prince Jun. He is smiling wide and he has his arms around a tiny slip of a girl, dancing with her on the floor. I feel like someone has punched me in the chest. It hurts much more than I even thought possible. Jealousy. I instantly don't like the girl, but I know that's foolish. She's done nothing to me. Eyes still on Jun, I barely notice when Lambert touches my shoulder. "Please stop making that face."

I blink. "What face?"

"You look like you're either about to cry or commit mass murder," Chezem informs me pointedly. "If you want him to feel the same way, go dance with Alvah."

I look at him quickly. "Excuse me?"

"Those two are constantly rivalling one another. Dance with Alvah and let Jun see you," Chezem says.

Lambert shrugs. "Maybe seeing you dancing and flirting with other men will shock him into reality," he says, looking at his brother. "The poor boy doesn't even realize how much he cares about you."

I don't know if I want to hurt Jun that way – if it would even hurt him at all – but Alvah is a friend and I can see him standing off to the side, a bunch of girls flocked to him. He looks a little overwhelmed and then Jun is moving in my direction and I panic. I walk quickly to Alvah's side and slip my hand into his.

"Dance with me?" I ask.

The girls pout when he eagerly nods and leads me onto the dance floor. The whole time I can feel Jun's eyes on me. Alvah's arm is around my waist and we are standing chest to chest, but it doesn't feel like I know it would if it were Jun. It feels like I'm dancing with my brother, to be honest. But we have fun, even when we step on each other's toes. I'm laughing when the song ends and my eyes fly wide when Alvah leans down and places a quick peck to my lips. My hand flies to my mouth and he grins roguishly. "Had to," he tells me. "Jun is watching. I might get punched for it later, but I think he is starting to understand. I hope you do," he says, giving me a brotherly hug.

"You're crazy," I whisper in his ear.

"He loves you," Alvah whispers back. "He just doesn't know it yet." With that, he goes off, leaving me alone on the floor. I don't mind. I know he is a prince and he probably has a list of people he's required to talk to. But it's when I'm standing there that Balam and Falitna approach.

"Girl," Balam says a little stiffly.

"Oh," I say, turning with a smile on my lips. "Minister Balam," I say. "A pleasure to see you." That's a great big lie.

Balam grabs his daughter and pulls her back a step. "Don't stand too close, Falitna," he warns. "You might catch something."

I stand hands on hips. "Excuse me?"

"Dare you take that tone with my father, commoner?" Falitna asks, lifting her nose in the air. "I only came over here to tell you to stay away from the princes."

"Or what?" I blurt. I can't believe that has come out of my mouth.

She turns red in the face and I see her ball her hands up. "You...filth!" she shrieks and strikes me across the face. I hear a glass break and my eyes widen. Everyone is staring at us.

My hand lifts to my cheek and suddenly, six princes are there, each defending me. Chezem grabs my elbow, Melchiorre curls an arm around my waist from behind, Nagit takes my hand, Alvah settles his hand on my shoulder, Lambert's hand rests on my head and Jun puts himself between Falitna and myself.

"You will not lay a hand on one of our guests," Jun says. "No matter whom you are."

Falitna turns even redder, if possible. "She's a commoner," she says, fairly spitting.

"She's the holder of the bracelet of succession," Lambert says through tight lips. "And you will respect her."

"She's cool with me," Alvah says.

"I like to think we're friends," Melchiorre declares.

"We are friends," I blurt and he smiles widely.

"How can you stand there and defend a woman like her?" Falitna hisses.

"Like her?" Nagit asks. "Just what is that supposed to mean?"

"She...she's common blood," Falitna whines.

I see Jun's shoulders tighten and the other five princes step back simultaneously. "I am warning you," Jun says, his voice completely calm. "Tread no further down that path or you will be escorted from the premises by force. My mother was a commoner."

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