I was snapped back into real life when I felt my body being pulled into a hug. I felt a surge of guilt for a moment because I realized how attention seeky I appreared to be. I mean, I was just staring off into space because I was thinking too much about my eyebrow pinching, which led to my nonsense mind rambling—exactly what Im doing now. I couldn't hold back to urge not to pinch my eyebrow. But I think Oliver heard my unsteady breaths because he pulled out of the hug and finally decided to speak.

His voice was full of anxiety, "Felicity," He paused, waiting for me to look at him. I finally did when I felt my empty palm become warm.

"There is no way for someone to get better when they have no support." He stammered a little bit, but managed to carry on. "Is your job stressful?"

I felt a little alarmed, "No, I love my job!" I said, a little louder than necessary.

Oliver nodded his head and continued. "How about we go out for dinner tonight?" He said, knowing that I haven't had a good meal in a while.

I usually spend all of my money on booze and pills. "Sure," I said.

It kinda feels weird about to be going to dinner with your boss.

"I just have to tell someone to cover my work for the night, okay? Ill be right back. Stay here." He left, leaving my palm empty again. I slipped my glasses back on and stood alone in the silence. Thank god this was one of the nice office's with a private bathroom. I went and used the washroom, and looked at my mascara stained cheeks.

Turning the tap on, I washed my hands and took my glasses off. I splashed cool water on my hot face, and grabbed a wod of toilet paper and dried my face. The makeup stains were gone now, along with my foundation, concealer and eye makeup.

I sighed, regretting my decision immediately. I could not let my boss see the imperfections on my face, let alone the dark circle and bags under my eyes. My eyelashes looked stubby, which distorted my entire face, and made my nose look bigger. My eyes were slanted in a sad manner.

And then I remembered that I have makeup in my locker.

I opened the door quickly, trying my best to run in these heels toward the door. It opened for me, and Oliver walked in quickly.


I avoided eye contact again. "I just need to uh. To get something from my locker." I said, trying to push my way past him.

"Felicity," He grabbed my arm before I could touch the door handle.

He probably thought that I meant a pill or a shot of booze. Great.

But then I looked at him, revealing why I wanted to go to my locker. "Can I just, uh, grab my makeup bag. I don't wanna go to dinner like this. Please?"

My phrase was pieced together slowly, but he let go of my arm and I hurried along the hallway to the locker room.

Stupidly, I thought I was alone and let the tears come, along with the dreaded nose sniffling and sobs that I tried to quiet.

But then, I heard a locker close and I clasped my hand over my mouth, held my breath, and tried my best to stop crying. The tears didnt stop though, they just rolled over my hand. I grabbed my makeup bag and headed towards the mirrors, trying to avoid being noticed by whoever was in here with me. When I rounded the corner a small, fragile looking 20 year old bumped into me. I mumbled a sorry.

Unmistakable Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें