Having Coffee with the Dangerously Handsome Stranger

Start from the beginning

I found myself suddenly standing up and following her sweet intoxicating scent.

Danielle / Danny POV

Where the hell is she?

I sigh as I stand up using the bed frame as a support. I thought she'll be gone just a couple of hours but not this long. "I'm home bitch!" I groan as my head is pounding ever so slightly when I move. I hate it when I get sick.

It's strange though we .........

Whoops almost slip at that.

"Jeez I said I'll just be here in 5 minute or ten. Here's your coffee and your favorite cheesecake, you missy take your medicine and lay down while I cook you some chicken soup. Your one very lucky bitch."

She said as she placed a paper bag on my nightstand and left my room skipping happily. What's up with her?

Usually she isn't that happy when she came back from our friends get together or when she gets free coffee at her favorite café or in Starbucks. I shrug it off.

I'll just ask her later.

In the meantime I took my medicine and ate my cheese cake and drink my coffee.

I know, eating a cheesecake and drinking coffee while feeling crap? I was just craving for it right now.

I decided to go to the living. Being cooped in this room is killing me with boredom. So I stand up carrying my favorite blanket, pillow and stuffed crocodile.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa where the hell are you going?" I jump as I turn around. I swear my heart practically jump out of my bloody body. "Jesus Alisha you almost killed me!" I breathe deeply as she just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

As usual she's wearing her favorite blue and black apron as her platinum blonde hair is put into a messy bun. I can't believe I can't get my hair into a beautiful messy bun like hers. Damn.

"I was just going to the living room!" I pouted as she rolled her eyes again and go back to our small kitchen probably cooking something edible and not poisonous. I sigh and lazily walk carrying a pillow, a blanket and my stuffed crocodile. What? I loved my stuffed crocodile. Don't judge. Even if I am a twenty year old woman I will always love my stuffed crocodile.

Once I reached the living room, I lazily sat down and grab the control and turned the tv on. Nothing good to watch but Teen wolf, it will do besides Alisha loves this show. After a couple of minutes watching it and smelling something delicious that made my stomach wanted to be fed, Alisha suddenly entered.

"Here." I glance at my side as Alisha began eating some tacos. I look down and saw a hot bowl of chicken soup placed on the table. She always makes the best chicken soup. Honestly I don't know how the hell she learned to cook like this.

You can say she's a great cook and also loves it.

"So what's up with you today?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "What?" she tried to act all innocent on me when I saw it clearly.

"I maybe feeling like crap right now but don't act all innocently on me Alisha. Now spill it!" I narrowed my eyes at her as she narrowed hers. We just stayed like that until she blinked "Fine I met a guy!" she huffs while my eyes literally widen.

Did I just hear that right? The Alisha Primrose met a guy? "F*ck! You've met a guy?" I exclaimed not really believing that she met a guy. "I can't believe you've actually met and talked to a guy except for Ron, Ryan and Jacob. I'm starting to believe that you are a lesbian." She glared at me.

"I am not a lesbian!" she said and pouted. No offence to those who are lesbians.

Believe me Alisha is one gorgeous looking hot babe.

The Stranger is an Alpha and also my MateWhere stories live. Discover now