You're A Psychologist, Not A Detective!

Depuis le début

I make my way out of my bedroom and to the guard standing there. There are so many different guards that do their hourly patrol and escort me places, but I happen to like this one. I have to admit he's pretty cute too. He actually makes small talk with me in the elevator. He's probably a couple years older than me.

"Don't try anything stupid, Vienna."
It's sad how he knows my name, but I don't know his. Maybe it's because I've never seen him wear an identification tag.

He twists the key and unlocks the cell door. He walks in with my chains in hand and chains my hands and legs.
I step out the cell and when he closes the door, he escorts me to the elevator.

As I said before, when I am inside an elevator, I have to turn around. I didn't turn around though.

"Come on, you know the procedure. Turn around, face the back. You and I could get into trouble if they find you facing forward."

Shoot, I was really hoping I could get away with it.

"So I heard you grabbed Dr. Aderman last night. Is it true?" He asks.

"Yeah, its true. How do you know?"

The guard laughs. "Wow, that is nice. The guard who was there told others and you know, something like that gets spread quickly. What made you grab him?"

"Come on, you know the procedure. You're not suppose to ask me about things like that. It could get you and I into trouble if they find out."

The guard scoffs "Haha okay yeah. And that is why I trust you."

The elevator comes to a stop and the door slides open. He escorts me to a room down the hallway. Its Dr. Friesen's little office. He is like a psychologist. The guard knocks on the door.

"Come in," he answers. The doors slide open and I step inside. I am released from my chains and the guard walks out. I take a seat. He doesn't say anything for a while as he takes out a pen and a notepad.

"Ah, Vienna. Let's cut to the chase shall we? Tell me what happened last night."

So this is what its all about. "You know what happened last night or else I wouldn't be here."

"Well, I only heard one side of the story," he says.

I sigh "You know what they are doing with me. They didn't want to give me food and I don't handle being very hungry so well after a certain amount of time. I just had to grab Dr. Aderman for it."

Dr. Friesen takes a few notes "What were you going to do after you grabbed him?"

Choke him of course, but I can't tell him that. I try to think of something that would sound less harmful or violent. I can't think of something so all I manage to say is a "What?"

"What were your intentions to do to Dr. Aderman after you grabbed him?"

He looks at me so closely and I know he is trying to study me. I start feeling nervous because I can't think of something that won't make me sound like I've lost my sanity, but yet something that is motivating enough for me to grab Dr. Aderman.

"I--" but Dr. Friesen cuts me off.

"Why are you nervous Vienna?"

Oh no. "I'm not nervous," I lie. Though I am getting more nervous now.

He puts down his pen on the desk and sighs. "You can't lie to me and neither can your eyes. They are purple; therefore, you are nervous."

I didn't feel my eyes change this time! I really hate this. I know its not hard to just say I wanted to choke him, but this is going into my record. I'd rather let them think it was an outburst of frustration than an outburst of craziness and violence. They can't tell anything since I only just grabbed the man by his lab coat. His collar to be exact. I want my lawyer!

"So tell me, what did you want to do?" He asks again.

"I don't know. I just reached for him. I was desperate."

He takes some notes down.

I put my hands on the desk and try not to fiddle with them to show him I ain't hiding anything.

He clears his throat and gives me a suspicious look "I would consider anyone who has the need to grab someone a sign of harmful intentions."

I want my lawyer! I can't let him make a final statement about me being violent. I can't think of anything to say, so I remain silent.

He only looks at me and frowns. He stands from his desk and paces for a while. He is clearly trying to find me guilty. You're a psychologist, not a detective!

He paces behind me and sets his hand on my shoulder with a tight grip. "Vienna, I'm only trying to find a way to help you. I saw the video. The camera in the corner of the room happened to catch it. Why are you lying to me?"

Wow, its like he read my mind "Sorry Dr. Friesen, but I consider anyone who has the need to grab someone a sign of harmful intentions," I throw his own words back at him. I turn my head to look up at him.

He removes his hand from my shoulder. He walks back to his chair and writes something down. "We are finished," he calls out.

I really hope this is s victory for me. I get up and stand by the door. The guard walks in and chains me up.

When the door to the elevator closes, the guard breaks the silence. "You look better now, how'd it go with Dr. Friesen?"

I can't help but actually smile "I think it went pretty well. Victorious I guess."

"Um, your eyes are green. What does that mean?" He asks as he looks at me.

"It means I'm happy," and with that, the elevator door opens, ending the conversation.

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