Chapter 21: Stronger Bond

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Chapter 21: Stronger Bond

The practice ended with all of her players out of breath. “Great job maggots!” She screamed across the field as they all groaned in unison. “Oh, why the long faces? I’ve done all of the exercises with you guys. And I didn’t even break a sweat. You guys are such wussies.” She taunted them as she heard some low growls. “You can growl at me all you want but we all know that’s the truth. Go get yourselves cleaned up. Lunas, I want you all back to the pack house no later than an hour. We’ve got things to discuss.” With that, she turned on her heels and left.

“Hey! Wait up,” a deep voice boomed across the parking lot. By the way a tingle went up her spine, she knew who it was. She turned and came face to face with Carson.

“What do you want?” Amy said in a cold voice.

“I… I wanted you to know that I’m doing everything that I can to find whoever was responsible for her death. I had nothing to do with it!” It took Amy a minute or two for his words to register in her head.

She laughed humorlessly and replied, “That’s very kind of you but you cannot undo what has been done. My Beta’s mate is dead. And you are a very selfish Alpha. You don’t deserve the title. You’re lucky I finished your father off for you.” She smirked at the end.

Carson growled as he clenched his fist. His own mate said that he wasn’t worthy of the Alpha position. She was right about the father part but it hurt. It hurt his ego a lot. “You know nothing about how I rule my pack. I made many changes for the better.”

Amy smirked even more. “Oh really? A real Alpha would take responsibility for whatever it is that his pack members have done. He will take action immediately. Also, he’d know how to lay down the laws. I don’t think you possess any of those features. You’re weak and pathetic.” She turned around again, only to be pulled back into his chest.

“Say that again. I dare you,” His face was inches away from hers as his minty breath fanned her cheek. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

“You’re w-w-weak and p-p-p-pathetic,” she cursed at herself mentally for stuttering. How did he have this effect on her? She had no idea.

“That’s what I thought,” he whispered on her neck as he brought his head back up.

He leaned closer and brought his lips down on hers. Her lips were so soft and tender against his. The kiss itself was filled with passion. Amy brought her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. As if they weren’t already close enough, he brought his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. She gasped lightly but continued on fingering his hair. It was so soft and brought tingles on her hands.

She heard a gasp and immediately broke away from Carson. Her eyes went wide and her heart shattered into so many pieces. There stood Damon, his hands full of red roses. She saw him tense up and grip tightly on the roses.

“D-d-damon. What are you doing here?” She snapped out of her trance and looked at him. Damon’s eyes held betrayal and sadness.

“I came to see how you were doing you know. With the whole coaching the football thing, but I see that it’s not the only thing you’re coaching right now,” his eyes flickered over to Carson with so much hate. If looks could kill, Carson would’ve already disappeared through thin air.

“It’s not what you think, Damon. I-“ Amy was cut off by Damon pulling her into his arms.

“It’s okay,” he cooed. “If you want me, then tell me. But if you don’t, then tell me too. I’ll wait for your decision okay? I think it’s better if I give you time to think. Maybe cool off for a bit?” He whispered to her tenderly.

Mated to My Pack's EnemyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora