Mated to the Pack's Enemy

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The Prologue is dedicated to BeyondtheStars2! The amazing person who made the wonderful book cover for this story. :D


 "Stop right there! Trespasser!”  A pair of arms grabbed my shoulders and knocked me down. Pain shot right through my whole body. “You don’t smell like you’re a Solaris or a Luna. What are you? A rogue?” The other man looked at me with an evil glint in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I just got lost.” I cried out, trying to get their sympathies. I didn’t know what came over me to trespass in the enemy’s territory. I thanked the spirits for giving me an ability to mask my scent.

“We’ll let the alpha decide.” He lifted me onto his shoulder and ran all the way, until we reached a mansion. “I really don’t know how Alpha Carson would react to seeing you. I mean you’re a rogue but he does love himself some fine women.” He smirked as he knocked on a huge door. I’m guessing this is the Alpha headquarters. 

“What is so important that you have the nerve to disturb my peace?” A husky voice boomed form across the room.

“Alpha, I’ve found a rogue roaming about in our territory.” The man bowed down, giving his Alpha more dominance.

“Leave us then. Go on! Shoo!” The Alpha walked towards me. He was well built and the black hair against his tan skin made him look hot. I shook m head, trying to get rid of those thoughts.“Sit here.” He pointed to a chair in front of him. I stood up and walked over, with my head down the whole time. “Who are you?”

“My name’s Amy.”

“What are you doing in our territory?” He questioned with full authority in his tone. I kept my head down as he sighed impatiently. He grabs my arm tightly and electricity immediately shot up all over my body. He flinched, as if feeling it too, and sets my arm free. 

“I just… I was lost.” I looked up and saw a beautiful pair of emerald eyes. It was as if it was only us in the world. Enemy or not, I felt a real connection with him. He looked at me with the same expression.  I shook my head and tried to get all of those thoughts away. He couldn’t be! He just can’t! We can never be together.

“That was weird. Sparks when we touched and this weird bond when our eyes met. I think you’re my mate, Amy.” NO! I can’t be his mate! That’s just so impossible!

“No! We can’t be mates! We just can’t!” I protested.

“And why is that?” He looked at me questionably.

“That’s because I already have a mate.” His expression immediately became glum and my heart ached just by looking at him. I needed to get away before the bond gets stronger. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to leave.” I stood up and walked out of the room.

As soon as I was out, I ran as fast as I can. I ran, knowing that I might’ve broken that man’s only hope of finding his soul mate… my MATE’s hope of finding me.


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