Chapter 5

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It was after school and we were behind the gym.

"Oh my gosh, I am so excited let's do right now," Chelsea said quickly and excitedly.

"Calm down down Chels," Sam said. "Where's the book?"

"Here, I just finished it, we should go in on the last page, unless we want to be eaten by a ridderak or something!!" Chels said still getting excited.

"Oh calm down, the ridderak are the least or Aelin's problems, such as valg, witches and wyverns." I said (I read all the books last night).

"What? Who's Aelin? What are wyverns and valg?" Chelsea said.

"Nothing let's go," I said quickly.

She opened the book and I brought out the paper with the spell in it. Just as we were all ready to go in Tyson came around the building with his friends and icicles dripping from his hands. He threw one to the right of and another to the left of us. The icicles quickly grew into giant walls of ice. He thought we were trapped.

"Ha, I got you know magic wielders and Sam," Tyson yelled triumphantly.

"That's what you think," I said mysteriously.


I had them trapped. The magical people and Sam and they were about to be squashed by my ice powers. Then Julia said something that confused me and made it sound like they could escape. They were all gathered around a book. Then they started chanting, it was kinda freaking me out.

"Charge everybody," I said to all of my friends.

"Yes, Tyson," They all responded and charged. We had them they were about to be captured when they all disappeared, and it looked like they disappeared into the book. But the book was also gone. I had failed.

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