Chapter 1

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I laughed as Chelsea and Rachel screamed as I shifted out of my cheetah shape in which she had just ran over to Rachel's house to work on their project.

"Ok guys, lets get to work on our project it's due in like two days," I said in a serious tone.

"Julia!!! you have to stop doing that!" Chelsea shouted as she recovered from being scared. I was surprised she didn't blast me with sparkles or started flying away on her shimmery wings that popped out when ever she gets scared. Rachel's wand was out with its black tip glowing like she was going to cast a spell.

"Come on we have to do the project, and you shouldn't argue with her Chels, she is going to do whatever she wants no matter what we say," Rachel said while she tucked her wand away. She was completely right I shift whenever I want and no one can stop me.

"Hey guys!!! Keep it down I am trying to do figure out the math homework!" Rachel's twin brother Aiden yelled from his room next door. Even though he was probably just watching tw.

"We don't care!" Rachel yelled back, "If you are too stupid maybe you should just be held back! And you are also supposed to be doing this project with us so finish your math and come over here!"

"I'll go help him," I volunteered. I walked into his room and stepped over the stuff he had littered across the ground.

"Hey Aiden, I decided to be nice for once and help you with your homework," I said.

"Hey Julia, thanks for the help I just don't understand this torture they call math!" He responded getting angry.

"It's not that hard," I said. I am kinda a genius, not to brag or anything. I quickly explained the concept to him and he caught on quickly.

"Ohhhh, I finally get it. How come you're so smart it's not fair!" he said.

"It's easy," I said and flipped my golden curls over my shoulder. "If you paid attention in class you wouldn't need help."

"Oh don't you get sassy on me,"

"You think I'm being sassy now, but you should see me when I really am being sassy. Now come on we need to go help them with our history project," I finished the fight we were having.

"Fine," He said. "Just let me..." He started saying before I cut him off.

"Come! Now! Or no treat for you," I yelled.

"Oooh there's treats?" He said sounding interested.

"Of course there are treats, but only for people who actually help with our project. No go!" I commanded him. He obeyed and walked to his sisters room. He had the same brunette hair as his sister though his was a little bit darker and spiked at the front where Rachel's was long and wavy. They both had the same sparkling blue eyes that when I looked at them I always wondered what was making them sparkle. They were both such a contrast to their cousin Chelsea with her blond, curly hair. She had the same eyes, we all had the same eyes. I figured it out when I was ten. I was in the attic and was reading up on magic and i found that everyone who has magic that can be used has blue sparkling eyes. Just to clarify I am NOT related to them.

"Hey guys, I know what we should do for our history project," I said as I walked into the room. "We should do it on the history of magic, but we shouldn't mention that we all have magic."

"Ok," everyone agreed.

"But why can't we tell anyone that we have magic?" Rachel asked.

"Because I have been hearing rumors that they are hunting down people with magic and destroying them."

"I haven't heard anything about this," Chelsea said.

"Can you shift into a fly and hear secret conversations? I think not."

"Well who have you heard the rumors from?" Aiden said.

"Actually I have been hearing it from Tyson. The other day he was telling Dylan that he was going to receive a secret mission from his dad...tonight... I got to go!" I hollered as I raced to the open window and jumped through it, shifting in mid air. I was soon soaring towards Tyson's house in my favorite bird form, a hawk. 

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