Chapter 9-we start our jobs

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After going in and looking for a job in the castle, I got assigned to the job of grooming the horses. Which was pretty cool since I really liked horses, I also probably am going to work with the hunting hounds a little, hopefully I won't have to clean either of those places. Aiden became a soldier, playing with Chaol's past to make sure he got it. I was starting the brush a golden haired horse that looked like it could fly if it wanted. He snorted and shied away.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you," I said. How do I know that for sure! He said. Since I am a shapeshifter I have a great relationship with animals. I can understand them but only if I have ever turned into that animal and a lot. I personally loved horses so I understand them quite well.

"You don't know that, but I have a personal experience with horses and it would hurt me just as much if I hurt you," I responded. You can understand me? How!?!

"That's a secret," I laughed and he let me brush him throughly, until I tickled him.


Being a solider is pretty legit. I was training with a bunch of other newbies. If I train hard here I might not even have to train with Celaena.

"Hey I'm Ryder, what's your name?" a guy with short blond hair and eyes that were so deep blue they were almost black.

"I'm Aiden, nice to meet you Ryder," I said. "Are you new here too?"

"Yeah I was kinda forced to become a solider but so far it seem pretty cool," he said.

"I know, can't wait to learn how to use this sword," I said pulling out a cool looking sword.

"PUT THAT AWAY!!" screamed our trainer. "NOW LET'S GET STARTED, HERE ARE YOUR WOODEN SWORDS." So are training began.


It was our first day of training with this Liston dude. Last night he had taken us to a crappy looking place that was actually super nice inside and there Sam went to her room and I show to mine and that sneaky, lying, looking kid kissed my hand and bid me good night. Now it was morning.

"My new assassin's, meet the other assassins," Liston said. He introduced us to about 4 other people, the only one catching my eye was Damian, who had shaggy brown almost black hair, and blue eyes that were so pale they were almost gray. He looked kind of shy..

"Rachel you will be partnered with Damian, please do not hurt him he is a dear friend," Liston said interrupting my thoughts. "Today I will be working with you two," quieter he said, "You are my second in commands." Which was terrible cause I couldn't stand being tied with someone else, so now it was a competition, who would be the second. So now we had to fight.


I was partnered with a girl named Ruth, she was super chatty and I wanted to cut out her tongue.

"You know, when I become a famous assassin, which I will cause I am super duper amazing, I am gonna be called Ruthless, because that is like my name but it is now killer and I think that is super cool don't ya think..." Ruth continued talking so I began trying to kill her with a sword. That is the weapon Liston was having us use today. Rachel looked more evil than I have ever seen her. She was glaring at her partner and was fighting with all her might against a boy who looked like he was doing the same. Liston was observing them and giving them instructions. I was beating Ruth like a lot and she finally shut up and began to fight back.


I was lost in the streets, I had no job plan, no money and probably would never see any of my friends again. I'm not tough, we shouldn't have split up, there are scary people that come out at night and it is getting dark and I don't know what to do. And then I saw the cutest guy I have ever seen and he was walking toward me.

"Can I help you," he said in a really cute accent, his green eyes sparkling, his almost brown almost golden hair flowing in the wind like they do in movies in slow motion.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a job and I'm lost and I don't know what to do," I said playing the sad girl card, all of which was true, just making it a little more dramatic.

"I can help you find a job where I work. My name is Juan (pronounced JU on) follow me," he said.

"I'm Chelsea, thanks for helping me," I said and we walked to an Inn and I got a job there!! and Juan was super nice to me and I am girling out inside.

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