Chapter 58 - Waddle

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Six Months

I'm waddling now. I can barely see my toes. My feet are swelling and hurt too much, making it ten times harder to walk. My cheeks are fatter than ever, and it's a lot more of a struggle to stand or sit up without feeling like I'm going to fall back down. I'm having a hard time, so much so that the idea of this baby can sometimes get... difficult. There are times when I hate the fact that I'm even pregnant.

I'm a full six months now. There's only three more months until this little girl is out in this troubled world. I don't want her to come out. I don't want her to experience this life. It'll be better than mine and Cato's, for sure, but I'm still a panicked mother.

Cato has been great, but my attitude has been draining him. Every single mistake he makes brings out a little devil in me. Sometimes I have no control over it. It's starting to become obvious that he is beginning to hate me. He loves this baby already, more than me, I suspect. He never smiles at me anymore, just stares in horror while I yell at him for not giving me the right colored socks.

Cato's training today, again. This job already takes the life out of him, and the only way to bring the excitement back into him is with sex or him talking to the baby. What sucks about all of this is that the baby is due the month that the 75th Hunger Games starts. I have to train two kids from District 12 while I'm almost 9 months pregnant. I'm worried that I'll go into labor and Cato will be operating the Games and won't be there with me. I'm already scared, and without him there, I don't think I'll make it through.

We're starting to get the nursery ready. Effie wanted to design the whole thing and Cinna wanted to design a whole baby wardrobe for this little girl. Cato refused both, saying that he can do it all by himself. He's picking out all of the furniture for her room, he's getting all of her clothing, and he is decorating her room. I don't even get a say in this whole thing. I can tell she's going to be a spoiled princess already. The way her Daddy will treat her is already enough. Cato works on the room every day after working. He comes in, eats, works on the room, sleeps and does the same thing the next day.

While I'm watching TV with my mom, Cato walks in. He strolls past us, kisses me on the forehead, and drops the bag of sweets I asked him for before he left earlier. He's walking to the nursery when I stop him and call him back over.

"Yes, Rose?" he sighs, turning around to brace himself for an argument.

I hold up the black licorice he bought. He knows I hate this kind. I swear it's like he does these things on purpose.

"You got me the wrong ones."

"Well what's the difference between the two? They're all the same." He rolls his eyes and avoids eye contact. 

"You know I hate this flavor. I want the strawberry flavored ones," I snap. "It's not that hard to tell the difference between red and black."

Cato sighs, rubbing the tired out of his eyes while I struggle to stand. Mom helps me and once I'm up, I waddle towards him, slapping the nasty candy into his hand.

"What do you want me to do about it?" he asks angrily.

"Go back to the store and get me the right ones! You know the doctor said that if I'm craving something, it's best for me to just have it! It's like you don't even care anymore!" I yell.

Cato mumbles something under his breath, but I ignore it.

"While you're gone, I'll warm up your dinner."

Cato sighs and walks past me, not saying a single thing. He slams the door shut and I move to warm up his food.

My mom saunters up to me with a smirk. "What?" I grumble.

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