Chapter 10 - Sudden Impulse

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Edmund wandered around the How in search of Amethy. She was the only person on his mind since he left the Stone Table room, because she was nowhere to be found.
He bumped into Trumpkin on the way, causing him to stumble back.
"Why the hurry, boy?" he asked.
"H-Have you by any chance seen Amethy?" he questioned, shifting uneasily from foot to foot.
Trumpkin sighed before pointing to one of the dimly lit rooms down the tunnel.
"Thanks" said Edmund, and he sped off towards the room.
"Amethy..." His voice trailed off when he saw Amethy. Her blood stained sword was strewn a few feet away from her and she was cuddled up with her head on her knees, trembling.

"Amethy!" he gasped, running up to her. "What's wrong?" he asked worriedly, reaching for her arm. He winced a little as a sudden pain shot through his fingers, like that of a frost bite. She pulled away at his touch.
"Just leave me alone"
"Please, just tell me what's going on" he pleaded.
"I murdered him" she managed to say between sobs.
"Who?" asked Edmund calmly, wiping away her tears.
"The person who had accepted me... and raised me"
Edmund realized that she was referring to Nikabrik. He flashedback on the moment he saw her stabbing him - the fear and guilt in her eyes the moment her blade sank in and ended his life. He pressed his lips together before speaking.
"Hey... You did the right thing" said Edmund, trying his best to be careful with his words. But she continued to weep.

Edmund did something he had so longed to do - he pulled her in so that she leaned towards him and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. He found that she was cold, freezing even. It must have been the work of the White Witch.
"Let go, Edmund. This isn't right" she begged, struggling to wrench free. He did not budge. He didn't want to let go. Instead, he hugged her closer and tighter against himself.
"It's alright..." he whispered into her ear. She was in his arms crying her heart out, the enclosed walls echoing the fear, remorse and sense of betrayal in her voice, the feelings that were racking her. He remembered feeling this before, when Aslan died for him. She clutched onto him as like he was the only thing that could save her from drowning, the only lifeline she had. He rubbed her back soothingly, up, down, up, down, like those where the only two directions he knew. He closed his eyes, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

Who knew how much time had passed before Amethy stopped her crying, except for an occasional tear or two that she could not hold back. She finally pulled away from Edmund, wiping her face with the back of her palm.
"Edmund, I think..." She started, but was soon cut off by Edmund who had reached out to caress her cheek, wiping off the remaining tears. He looked at Amethy, the violet eyes of hers filled with horror and surprise.
Without warning, he felt himself lean in slowly. Amethy's heart skipped a beat as she felt his warm breath on her face. She gripped the fabric of her dress and blinked profusely as she felt a mixture of feelings boil within her - fear and worry, with a tinge of excitement and warmth.
Edmund closed the one inch gap between them and leaned in completely. Tears streaked down Amethy's cheek again as she shut her eyes. Their lips brushed slightly.

Emotions conflicted within her. She no longer knew if this was right or wrong. She reached out to grab him by the arm firmly.
Edmund opened his eyes, feeling disappointed and guilty at the same time. Amethy pushed him away silghtly, giving herself enough space to get up. He forced himself to hold himself back from looking back at her.
"This isn't right..." murmured Amethy before getting up and rushing out. Edmund didn't stop her. He knew he had taken things way too far.

Amethy ran out of the room, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes again. She bumped into Caspian.
"I'm sorry" she apologized, making sure her head hung low.
"Amethy..." said Caspian, reaching out to grab her wrist before she could go. She pried it off and ran out anyway.
Caspian turned into the room to see Edmund seated on the floor, looking blankly at his hands. He shot him a look of accusation.
"What?" asked Edmund.


Amethy raced out if the How, but not before someone pulled her into one of the rooms.
"Please, not now" said Amethy while she walked out of the room. The person caught her by the wrist and stopped her from leaving.
"I need to talk to you" the person spoke. Amethy looked up through her tear-fogged eyed and realised that it was High King Peter.
"What do you want, Your Majesty?" asked Amethy, trying her best to hold back her tears.

"I know this isn't the best time to ask you something like this, but... Do you have feelings for him? I mean for my brother?" questioned Peter, his tone growing very serious. Amethy gulped at the sudden question and looked away at the tip of her shoes. Did he see all of it? She asked herself. Images flashed in her mind, she reflected on the events that had happened and thought about her worries. She felt a tear fall onto her cheek again. She couldn't help it. She had just killed Nikabrik, met a Prince that knew her in the past and she had almost shared a kiss with a King from another world. This confirmed Edmund's feeling for her. But everything was wrong. Very wrong.

He should not have fallen for her. He was King Edmund the Just, a royal, while she was just a commoner with a messed up life. Not to mention that she was at least 1300 years younger than him. She was falling for him, for his kindness and gentleness towards her no matter how many times she told herself that she didn't view him in a romantic way. At least, she believed so.
"Do you have feelings for my brother?" interrogated Peter.
"I don't know..." replied Amethy, her lower lip trembling.
"You know what?" said Peter as he brushed his hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. "Just don't let any of you fall any deeper... it's an order. Understand?"

Amethy looked back up at Peter, pausing to think. She took a deep breath and spoke, "I understand, Your Majesty"


Yes! Chapter 12 is finally up! How did you feel about it? Should I have allowed Amethy and Edmund to kiss? And what do you think about Peter and his orders?

And I really need a ship name for our two to-be lovers! Do comment below!

I'm also sad to say that...
[No, I'm not going to stop this book because I understand how awful that is]
BUT, I will be changing my updating frequency from every week to ONCE every TWO WEEKS instead.
Schoolwork really is a bitch and I don't have as much time to write my story. I'm so sorry for making this change and I hope it won't deter you from reading. On the bright side, this story will last longer! :D

Stay safe and alive. The war is approaching! ;)

Tricia <3

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