Chapter 11: The Best Way to Plan for Battle

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Caspian, all alone, sat on the edge of the How, legs dangling perpendicularly from the stone ledge, finding comfort in a slight shade it provided from the glaring sunlight overhead. He overlooked the thick forest in front of him, his breathing synchronised with the harmonic calls of the cicadas hiding in the greens, which was beginning to echo in his ears, not bothering to tuck in the edge of his tunic peeking slightly from his pants and smooth out his slightly tasselled dark hair.
Distinctive footsteps began to crush into the dried moss behind him and around he turned, before being greeted with a sheet of rough fabric of beige that almost brushed the ground. He shifted his gaze upwards, recognising instantly the small, jolly eyes and the button like nose of his professor. A small smile played on his lips as Cornelius plopped his plump figure beside Caspian, sinking into the carpet of moss under him. They sat in silence, comfortable and peaceful, their gaze fixed on the mass of leafy giants across the field.

"Why did you never tell me about my father?" asked Caspian, tearing his gaze from the trees to look at Cornelius.

The professor pressed his lips into a straight line, the look of concentration etched on his weathered features as he thought of what he should say in reply. Caspian didn't get impatient. He was too used to his Professor's ways. A wise man he was, always thinking of ways to make the best of the situation. After a time that was a fair bit longer than someone would take in a normal, everyday conversation, Cornelius finally spoke, his voice low and hearty. He was of an old age after all, with a long, white beard and wrinkles of wisdom to go with it.

"My mother was a black dwarf from the northern mountains" he began, pausing as Caspian nodded his head slowly in acknowledgement.

"You're like Carmelya" stated Caspian.

"True, that is. The difference lies in the fact that I was much more fortunate then her, not getting caught and all. I was a very lucky man. So was my father. I risked my life all these years so that one day, you might be a better king than those before you"

"Then I have failed you" he replied, running the rough fingers he'd acquired due to all his hard training through his long, wavy hair and diverting his eyes shamefully.

"Everything I told you, everything I didn't, it was only because I believe in you. You have a chance to become the most noble contradiction in history - the Telmarine who saved Narnia" said Cornelius.

Caspian felt a smile come to his lips as his remark sank deep into himself, added it to the collection of things in his heart that kept him going.

"I believe you've seen Carmelya" sighed Caspian, changing the subject.

"It must have been hard for her, and for you"

"You're quite right, as you've always been" chuckled Caspian. "As much as I was confused the first time I met her again and shocked that she no longer knew who I was, she must be going through a lot more as compared to me. Do you think she'll remember some day?" asked Caspian. Though you could clearly see his smile vanishing, the joy in his eyes was still distinctively visible.
It wasn't the type of happiness that made you laugh and your lips to curl up, but the kind that only existed deep down withing you, the type you would feel the moment you find your long lost friend when you've always thought she was gone and never coming back anytime soon.


Peter, all alone, sat on the edge of the Stone Table, one of the most historic and important objects in Narnian history, staring at the carving of Aslan right in front of him - the Great Lion, the only true ruler of Narnia. He knew that very well. He was the High King after all. In addition to that, he could never forget the moment Aslan pounced right on Jadis to save him from getting his head sliced off by her. Just the thought of it sent a chill down his spine that seemed to electrify every vein in his body.

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