chapter 4

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"Up on melancholy hill. There's a plastic tree, are you here with me?"

-Gorillaz, On Melancholy Hill

"Zayn!" Niall laughed, punching the older man on the shoulder lightly. Zayn chuckled, "What?"

"Don't say such things!" The blonde said, taking a sip of his margarita. The raven haired man plucked the drink from his fingers before also taking a sip. "I only said Harry needed a hair cut."

"Hey." He whined, taking his drink back from Zayn. The both of them were at a bar downtown, just trying to relax since it was Saturday and Niall only had classes on Tuesday Thursday, and Wednesday. They were sat at a circled table with cushioned seats in a private room of the bar since Zayn didn't want paparazzi hoarding into his business.

"Well yeah but if Harry were here he would strangle you with his hair."

Zayn let out a laugh and soon Niall joined in with him.

"How are you doing in your classes?"

Niall smiled brightly, "Great actually! Except mid terms is coming up so I have to study, which means we can't hang out as much anymore." The blonde pouted before leaning a little towards Zayn.

Zayn pouted before wrapping his arm around the blonde's waist, and nuzzling his face into his neck, "No." He whined, "Don't do that to me. You're depriving me of my daily dose of Vitamin-you."

The blonde laughed, "hiding his smiled behind his hand, "Zayn oh my gosh stop."

Even if Niall hadn't known Zayn for that long he felt like the raven haired man knew more about him than Harry and vice versa. They've known each other for about five months and Niall was already hopelessly obsessed with Zayn almost the same as he was obsessed over Justin Bieber.

"Well I'm gonna help you study, because if you're anything like me from uni then I know you'll be overwhelmed." Zayn said, smirking. He remembered his college days almost vividly, his favorite was when he found his drunk roommate crying over how his girlfriend got him a dog.

Niall's cheeks turned a light pink color before his eyes lit up, "Would you really?" He said sounding so hopeful. Zayn shrugged one of his shoulders, "I mean why not?"

"Aw thank you love!"

And Zayn tried really hard to stop his heart from beating out of his chest, because of the little nickname Niall uses only on Snowflake.

The raven haired boy grinned from ear to ear before planting a sloppy kiss to one of Niall's cheeks, "You are just too adorable for your own good."

Niall smiled brightly up at Zayn, the six shots of vodka he took now kicking in," And you're too handsome for your own good."

The older man raised his eyebrow, "Oh yeah?"

"Nope." Niall said, sticking his tongue out at Zayn. The raven haired man pouted, "I'm not handsome?"


"But I thought you liked my face." Niall smile at him, "I do. But I like mine more."  Zayn smiled down at him, "Then we have something common."

Niall laughed again, his face now a bright red due to the heat, and the obvious flirting the two were doing.

"Can I get six more shots here?" Zayn called out to the bar tender across the room, moving his arm so it rested over Niall's shoulders. The boy, smiled leaning into Zayn's touch, "You up for a little competition Malik?"

"It's not a night out in a bar without one."

"You sure you can compete with an irishman?"

"Bring it on shortie." Niall gasped. He glared at Zayn before using his little fists to slightly punch at Zayn's chest, "I'm not short!"

But Daddy! |z.h| bxbWhere stories live. Discover now