Are You The One For Me? (19) - Edited.

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No matter how bad the feelings had gotten by then, I still couldn't stay away from Callista and Eric. My head and heart were broken into two parts and they were constantly fighting against each other.

For almost a whole month, I had been hanging out with Eric and Callista as much as possible. Sure, that kept me from doing well in school, because I kept falling asleep in class due to being out for so long that I didn't get a chance to finish my homework until late in the night and I hadn't spent lunch with Sam and Dave for that whole time, but I got to see Callista and that breathtaking smiling of hers.

I knew Sam wasn't too happy with that, because he's always been my best friend and even Dave seemed a little ticked off about it, so I finally managed to convince Eric to have lunch back with the guys. I promised him that neither Dave nor Sam would say anything. It'd be a quiet and peaceful period.

It turned out to be a quiet period, yeah, but things were still pretty unnerving.

For one thing, the two weren't being their usual lovey-dove self. I figured it was probably because they were no longer around just me; there was Sam and Dave along this time. But, it actually turned out to be something worse.


Callista sat on Eric's lap with her hands pulled close to her chest and her face against the crook of his neck.

Eric had this tense look on his face but worried eyes. He rested his chin on Callista's head and glared ahead at nothing.

"Uh, is there something wrong, Eric?" Sam finally asked.

"Yeah, um, sort of..." he didn't clarify.

"Is it us?" I thought to ask. "'Cause you can go back to your old table, it's no biggie."

"No, no it's not that at all," Eric shook his head. "Callista's just a little...upset over something that happened earlier today."

"What happened?" Dave perked up.

Eric paused and peered down at Callista. She nodded her head slowly and Eric leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"You guys know some Trevor Mendez?" he asked.

The guys and I exchanged a look; we knew exactly who he was. He'd done a lot more than break a few hearts at our school; he broke souls. He ruined perfectly happy girls and even changed the bad ones into broken little babies.

"What'd he do to her?" Dave asked. "Did he get far?"

I saw Eric's jaw twitching, but other than that there was just a blank look on his face.

"I don't know. But, what I do know is that he's not getting another chance."

"So, she's OK?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, she's...just a bit tired and scared, is all."

Eric leaned down and planted a long, lingering kiss on Callista's head. She moaned softly and curled up closer to him. She extended her arms and wrapped them all over him.

I gulped and averted my gaze. The guys were all eating their lunch, but I had lost my appetite.

"Cally, baby, do you wanna eat something?" Eric picked her head up in his hands and tried to look into her eyes, but she kept turning her head away.

"No." she whimpered, shaking her head.

"Come on, you gotta eat somethin'. You're gonna get sick like this."

Callista groaned softly and nestled her head back on Eric.

I snapped my head up and extended my hand out before I could stop myself.

"Here." I said, pushing a piece of chicken tenders at her.

Callista stared at me with slightly wild eyes. I could tell she wanted nothing more than to scarf down the piece of chicken from the way she bit down at her lip and forced her tongue to remain in her mouth. Now that I knew just what she was doing to herself, I couldn't help feeling bad or wanting to do something about it. Though, that wasn't my call - it was Eric's - I felt like I could do a better job than he was at trying to get her to eat more.

I mean, instead of announcing it out loud in front of everyone, why couldn't he just talk to her in private or something? Oh, that's right, 'cause they're always too busy making out and swapping spit to talk about food or Callista's lack thereof.

Callista's eyes met mine and she blinked rapidly. Something crossed her face, but I couldn't figure out what kind of expression it was, since she had started reaching her fingers forward the chicken tender.

She chewed slowly and thoughtfully, almost as if she were trying to figure out all the ingredients used to make the chicken tender as well as count each and every calorie there was in each bite.

A thought crossed my mind then and I quickly pulled my phone out. I searched through Google until I finally found what I needed.

Approximately, there were 230 calories in five chicken tenders - which was usually the amount the lunch ladies gave to everyone - and 46 calories in one piece.

So far, Callista only had one. Once she was done, she eyed me warily. Eric was too busy munching on a sandwich to notice how pale she had gotten.

Without a word, I extended another piece of chicken towards her. This one had some ketchup slathered on it and I could see Callista's throat constricting.

Nevertheless, she took it from my hand, careful not to touch my fingers and brought it close to her face.

I didn't watch her eat the second one; I was too busy trying to figure out how many calories there was in ketchup.

Nineteen. That plus the forty-six from the previous chicken tender and the one I had just given her added all together produced...111 calories.

I had a feeling what would happen if I tried to offer Callista another piece, but I still did it.

She shook her head and pressed her face against Eric's throat. That was enough for her; until tomorrow.

I couldn't exactly wrap my mind around what it was that made girls act this way. Well, I understood part of it, but why did they have to go to such extents of torture to impress people?!

And Callista was one of those girls.

That hurt me the most. More than the fact that I could do something about it - or could've, if I hadn't been so egoistic and shallow and just give her and her feelings a chance.

But, that wasn't going to stop me. One way or another, I was going to get Callista back to being a normal girl - with the help of Eric, of course, because I would be needing all the help I could get.

A/N: Yeah, so Dylan's gonna start helping Cali now and he really wants the best for her, because he's started to fall for her now and he doesn't want to see her suffer. And you can tell, he REALLY wants to do something for her, but he's just not sure HOW to and if he's doing the right thing for not.

See, he's not Cali's boyfriend - Eric is - so he figures it's not his call or his deal, but he can't help it. What do you think he'll do? Wait for Eric to step up and help Callista out, or will Dylan actually have the guts to go and do something himself? And how will Callista FEEL about that? Grateful? Pissed? Surprised? Confused?

As always ALL will be REVEALED - at the right time, of course. =D

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