Are You The One For Me? (17) - Edited.

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I couldn't possibly be jealous of Callista being with Eric, it just didn't make the right amount of sense. I didn't like Callista that way and my feelings for her hadn't changed whatsoever since before they were dating, so there was no way that could be true.

I was the one that rejected her and her feelings for me, so then why the hell did that suddenly feel like a mistake? This wasn't supposed to be happening. Not now. Not ever. So why was it?

With everyday they got worse. Before the carnival night, whenever I was forced to go somewhere with Callista and Eric, it was always such a drag because I was the one that got left to entertain myself; it was boring being around them. But, after the carnival night, every time I saw them together, I'd feel...mad. Pissed that Callista was with Eric instead of...of me, I guess.

But, that was only one side of me; the other half couldn't believe I was thinking such things and wanting Callista all for myself. The two sides of me were in constant battle mode since that day; one part of me wanted Callista and the other one wanted to keep her away from me.

I had no idea what was happening or why. All I did know was that it was getting worse every day and it wasn't stopping anytime soon.


When I finally got home that night and slumped down on my bed from exhaustion and dehydration, I was pissed and tired and hungry all at the same time.

But, when I closed my eyes and willed my body to relax, it did. But, then her face popped up in my head. Callista's. She was laughing with her mouth open and she was spinning around and around. Her hair was loose as always, but not in her face and spread out and curly. The background in which she danced around in was a light pink and sparkly. She wore a dress and her cheeks were red. She was happy. Content. And as was I.

My head no longer throbbed. The hollow feeling in my stomach was replaced by a warm one. And all the anger in me rolled right off my body.

I felt calm. Tranquil. Hassle-free.

But, it wasn't right. Or real.

That was Callista; not really. She wasn't this happy, not now - or ever, according to Eric - and she's never made me feel like this before, so this couldn't be true at all.

I opened my eyes to push the image of her face away and sat up. Suddenly, a figure appeared in my room. In front of me, stood a smiling Callista.

She walked up to me and ran a hand down my face. I sighed and stared at her in wonder and amazement. She leaned in then and I started leaning back until I was back in the same position as before. Callista leaned close to my ear and then giggled inside it. My heart skipped a beat and I raised my hands up to grab a hold of her, but all I got was the air in front of me and I ended up smacking myself on the face with my fingers.

I jolted back up and got whiplash trying to understand what had just happened and what I was just about to do.

That had to stop. Whatever it was, I had to keep it from happening again. Callista belonged to Eric and-and not me.

I knew it didn't matter how much denying and rejecting the fact that I might have some sort of feelings for Callista was a waste of time, but I couldn't and wouldn't let it get too out of hand. If anyone let along Eric found out about them, it wouldn't be good for me. I've seen how little it takes to get Eric pissed and what the results of it as well, I couldn't take the chances of slipping up.

I would lose not only Eric as a friend, but Callista would never look at me the same way again. Who knew what she'd think of me then?

She'd definitely use it to her advantage. Here was the guy who had rejected her now falling for her. No matter how nice she was, there was no way Callista could just sit on it and pretend that nothing was wrong. But, then again, I could be wrong about all this. I had no intentions of finding out though or being embarrassed in front of her.

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