Day 11: Michael Blurb - Christmas Morning

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up! It's Christmas!" Michael shouts, jumping up and down on the bed before he hovers over you.

You blink repeatedly trying to adjust your eyes to the sudden light when Michael quickly presses his lips against yours.

"Merry Christmas, kitten!"

"Merry Christmas, Mikey, but it's like four in the morning, why are you waking me up now?" You mumble, pulling the blankets further over your body to try and warm yourself.

"Because I can't wait any longer to give you your present!" He exclaims, pulling out a small box from behind his back.

"Michael, we talked about this. We were gonna make our Christmas breakfast, do our stockings then exchange gifts and watch a Christmas movie like we always do." You pout.

Michael kisses your pouty lips, smiling widely when he places the small red box in your hands.

"We will! I have more for you, but I can't wait any longer for you to open this one!"

You sigh, sitting up and looking at him. "I told you not to spoil me. Your gift to me is that you're home for Christmas."

"Y/N, please, I don't want to do this right now. I just want you to open it! I love you and I'm going to spoil you, so get used to it."

He places your fingers on the ribbon, quietly urging you to untie it.

"Alright, but if this is a joke gift just know that I can't be responsible for any bodily harm that happens to you. It is only four after all." You tease.

He shakes his head, pecking your lips quickly. "Just be quiet and open it."

You slowly unravel the ribbon, moving slower than molasses just to tease him. He lets out an annoyed huff, tapping his fingers against his knee as he waits for you to open the box. When you open the box a small gasp leaves your lips, your eyes filling with water as you gape at what's in your hands.

"You didn't." You whisper, inspecting the items to ensure this isn't a trick.

"They're real!" He exclaims proudly.

"Michael, you did not get us plane tickets to go to Italy. I'm dreaming aren't I?" You pinch your arm, positive this is just a dream or hallucination, but Michael quickly grasps your hands, kissing your knuckles softly.

"I know you probably don't think you're worth it, but ever since we met you've talked about how one day you'd make it there, because your grandma couldn't and you promised her that you'd travel through Italy for her, and I want to make that dream a reality for you."

"Michael" You gasp through happy tears. "You shouldn't ha-"

"Y/N, don't tell me that I shouldn't have. You deserve a trip like this, and I know how much your grandma meant to you, so I want to make this happen for you." He reassures, kissing the palm of your hand softly.

"Thank you so much!" You exclaim, throwing your arms around his neck.

"Anything for you, kitten. Now go pack your bags, because we have to be at the airport by six tomorrow morning." He pulls you up from the bed, lightly slapping your bum as he pushes you towards your shared closet.

"I really love you, you know that right?" You smile, leaning against the doorframe.

Michael shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "You tell me all the time. I love you too, kitten. Now pack!" He exclaims, slapping your bum again as he pushes you into your shared walk in closet.

25 Days of 5SOS - 5SOS Christmas WritingsWhere stories live. Discover now