Chapter 1: New Life

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It hasn't even been a month in my new apartment and let me tell you, I have never been so bored in my long miserable life!

I moved out immediately after I finished high school. It took me awhile to find a cheap and comfy apartment, but I eventually did.

I was finished unpacking and I was sitting on my green worn out looking couch flipping through channels I had no interest of watching. I reached the music channel. I smiled to myself thinking about the joyful memories with my friends. Oh we had the most fun!

We would listen to the (favorite music genre) radio and turn the volume up to maximum until the neighbors would come over and complain. But those optimistic days were in the past. It's now the present. The present makes the future, so to speak.

After a half an hour of skimming through unentertaining channels, I found the news. "And tonight we remember the deaths of the children at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza," said the news anchor. "How many were murdered again?" The last sitting next to him asked. "About five. They were stuffed inside the animatronic suits and the place remains opened today."


"Also, there is a job application about being a night watchman and getting a good salary, so if you're looking for a job with lots of income, apply for the night shift!" The news anchor spoke into the camera.

That's it! I need to get this job! I can actually get money and pay off the bills I'll receive, also to get rid of this boredom. I got myself ready and left the apartment building.

I stopped at the end of the street and kept yelling "TAXI!!"
After ten minutes of yelling that four-lettered word, one finally stopped.

"Hey there kiddo! Need a ride?" Said the taxi driver.
I just looked at him and arched my eye brow.
"I'll just take that as a yes, come on in!"

I opened the yellow taxi door and climbed myself in.
"So were ya head'n?" He asked ecstatic voice.
"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." I said in a different tone.

We haven't even been on the road for thirty seconds. He immediately stopped the car giving me whip lash.
"What did you say? Freddy's?" He asked in a frantic voice.
"Yes. I'm going to be the night guard." He exhaled a long deep breath.
This man was strange. "Don't, if you have truly experience hell, this will beat it." He mumbled. I was extremely perplexed. "Huh?"

"I worked there once and almost died." He said in a aggressive tone. "Oh okay. Cool. Can you drive now if you want money?"He glared at me then pulled out. It was a quiet awkward drive after that.

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