Chapter 19 - Hollywood Premiere

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Strong rays of Sunshine started lighting the room up, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked. I took a quick glance at the clock, 8.30am. Usually, I would've just went back to sleep but I knew I had to get up. I reached the kitchen, walking slowly, and made myself a chocolate milkshake. I dropped my body on my couch with a mug in my hand and turned the tv on.

Hollywood Access was already airing, I turned the volume up and waited for the interviewer to finally reach the red carpet. I grabbed my phone and texted Evan, waiting for a response, but nothing. I didn't mind too much though, I know how busy he was that morning so I just sighed and layed my eyes on the tv screen again.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen.. American Horror Story's star, Evan Peters!" the interview guy said, I read his name on his target, Jules.

"Hey, what's up?" Evan said to the camera, I laughed at his cuteness and turned the volume up some more.

"The new season, Hotel, is even scarier than the previous seasons, isn't it?" the guy asked,

"Yeah, it's like more bloody and scary. It actually is my favorite so far" Evan smiled up, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

The interview kept going as I took a more careful look at Evan, not really listening to what they were saying. He was wearing a black formal shirt with a grey formal jacket and pants. His hair were carefully laying on the right side of his face, he almost looked like a porcelain doll. There was just something about his skin that made him look way too smooth. Maybe it was just the tv screen, I thought, or maybe he put some make-up on.

I found myself instantly pulled back to reality as I heard him saying my name. Were they talking about me? Why would they? I tried to find the line of their topic as the interviewer asked him some more about me.

"So, are you and this famous Courtney dating?" the guy asked, I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, totally" Evan chuckled, as I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"She looks nice"

"She is, really. She's wonderful, I'm so happy" he said back, a small smile growing on my face.

"Will we see her at tonight's Hollywood premiere?"

"Guess we'll see" he laughed, I blushed once again and looked down.

As the interview ended I turned the tv off and layed my head down on the couch. I wrapped a warm blanket around me and completely layed down. I moaned and soon stood up, lighted the fireplace up and dropped my body back on the couch.

My mind started wandering about Hollywood premiere. Was Evan going to take me with him? If so, what was I supposed to wear? I pictured all my clothes in my mind and trying to place it together, trying to find the perfect outfit for such event.

A text from Evan soon distracted me, I smiled as I grabbed the phone and opened it.

"Hey princess, coming with me tonight at Hollywood premiere?"

"I can't, I'm sorry. I've already have plans with my boyfriend, he's taking me to a cool event ;)"

"He's such a lucky guy then ;)"


I slid into one of my new dresses, a grey one with some black lines on the skirt. I chose grey warm collant and black leather boots with a slight low heel. I curled the tips of my hair and applied some black eyeliner and red lipstick. It was now time for the hardest part of all, the jacket.

I had a big problem with jackets, I never knew which one to pick. I thought about a leather black jacket but I knew I would've probably freezed all night. Was it an indoor or an outdoor event? I had no idea. I sat on my bed and saw a call coming, I picked it up and smiled.

"Grace!" I basically yelled,

"Oh, you remember my name I see" she laughed.

"Ssup, best friend?"

"Ah, no. I was watching tv this morning when this interview came on. It was Evan Peters, one of the prettiest guys on earth, and he said he's dating a certain Courtney Greyson from New Orleans" she said, I raised an eyebrow and brusted into laughter.

"Oh. My. God. So it's you!" she yelled through the phone, I laughed again.

"Well, yeah, I mean- We happen to have a thing" I said with a sophisticated tone.

"You smart ass" she laughed.

"Guess who else asked about that" she laughed again,


"Literally everyone I know" she said with an excited kind of tone and high pitched voice.

"Really?" I laughed,

"Really. Now, are you going with him to that Hollywood thing?"

"Yep I am" I proudly said,

"Oh my god, and what are you wearing? Don't you tell me a jeans and a shirt or I'll take the first flight to Los Angeles and kick your ass"

A few seconds later, the bell rang. I jumped and quickly hung up, greeting Grace who was still fangirling like crazy. I opened the door just to see an handsome guy standing with dark red roses in his hands.

"It's always a pleasure seeing you" I laughed, he proudly smiled and handed me the flowers.

"You look beautiful, Miss.Greyson" he whispered in my ear, getting closer.

"You look hot, Mr.Peters" I whispered back with a smirk as he soon returned it.


"So are you gonna dress up like Mr.March or something?" I asked as Evan started the car and soon raised an eyebrow. He was wearing the black formal shirt of earlier that morning, dark jeans and black shoes. His hair was a little messy though, and, goddamn, I loved that.

"Why would I dress up like him?" he asked back.

"Well, he's smoking hot and I literally start sweating from all over my body when I see him" I said with a smirk. I meant all of it, every single word. There was just something about that character that I couldn't explain or control.

"Does that mean I'm smoking hot too?" he chuckled,

"Well, you're him, kinda. So, yeah handsome. You're smoking hot" I smirked, as he soon pushed his warm soft lips on mine.

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer, kissing him passionately. I knew that would've been over soon because cars would've finally started going ahead again, but I also knew that traffic was hell in Los Angeles, and that suddenly didn't sound that bad.

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