Chapter 9 - San Fernando Valley

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About 20 minutes later, Evan stopped the car in a welcoming pathway. I slowly got off the car and hurried in the back for picking up my backpack.

"Is that the only thing you've brought?" he asked raising an eyebrow, I shyly nodded in embarassment.

"Ah, it's okay. We're gonna get you some new clothes" he smiled, unlocking the door of what it looked like a small mansion. But, actually, every house in this neighborhood looked like a mansion. It must be the American dream in the Golden State, or something I didn't never really get.

"I have a meeting in 5 minutes. You can take a shower and use my laptop while I'm out. If you don't have any fresh clothes you can pick up some of mine, I don't mind. Oh, and, relax" he smiled again, leaving me alone in his big house.

Great, I didn't even know where to go. I let out a soft sigh and started wandering around through the whole house. I had no idea where to leave my stuff. I quietly walked in a bedroom and dropped my backpack on the floor, opening one of the closets. A blue navy t-shirt called my attention, a while W stamp on it, Washington University, it said on the bottom. I decided to pick that up and grabbed one of my back leggins.

I finally discovered where the bathroom was and locked myself in. How crazy was it? I was in Evan Peters' bathroom. I softly chuckled at myself and slipped in the shower box, making hot water pouring down on me, hoping that it would clean my stress and fears away. At least a little bit.

I slowly walked out of the shower box in a white towel, brushed my hair and blow dried it. I reached for my bra and underwear, putting it on quickly. I took a quick glance in the mirror, feeling ashamed of being in Evan's house. I had nowhere else to go though, did I have any other chance? Maybe I had. Maybe an hotel would've been fine. But he insisted for me to stay a while here, so I guess it's okay. Right?

I put his shirt on, sniffing it a little. It had his smell all over, I spontaneously smiled and closed my eyes. A few moments later I quickly pulled myself back and finally put my grey socks and black leggins on.

I wandered in the house a little more before walking in Evan's bedroom once again, grabbing his laptop. I turned it on and sit with my legs crossed on his bed covered with soft smoothy white blankets.

"Jobs in Los Angeles" I typed in the internet's browser, letting out a sigh.

I soon heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow and grabbed my phone that suddenly buzzed.

"How is my guest doing? Freshed up a little bit? :)"

"Does anyone else has the keys of the house except you?"

"Why? Are you afraid? The house is pretty big, but most of the noise is from the outside, from the Valley"

"I'm fine, just wondering. Thank you again :)"

A figure suddenly walked in the room, I quickly jumped in fear and stared at her. A not too old woman with blonde hair and a fascinating style was standing in front of me.

"Uhm, hi?" I said, stuttering.

"Are you Courtney? I'm so happy to meet you! I'm Julie, Evan's mom" she said with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen.

Dear Future Husband (Evan Peters)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora