Chapter 5 - Give It a Try

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Almost a month has passed since I've seen Evan the last time. I had to admit that I kinda missed him. I had no idea if that made even sense. Did it? After all he was a celebrity, he was unreachable in every way.

"Court! You there?" Sid yelled from outside my room's door,

"Where should I be?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"You will never guess who I met today out of school!" she excitely yelled opening the door, I slowly looked up at her and almost fell off my bed.

"Evan" I said with a suffocate whisper,

"Hey there" he laughed rubbing his neck.

"Just a second" I said with a fake smiling pulling Sidney in her room.

"Are you crazy maybe?" I asked crossing my arms,

"I met him out of school, he recognized me and asked about you" she quietly said looking down at then up at me with puppy eyes.

"So you just took him home?"

"I just thought I-" she started and then stopped.

"I know you miss him. I'm not stupid, Court, I know you like him. And, since you've never really looked like liking anyone else in the world, I thought I might give you two another shot. A chance to be together. I know you'd like that, even if you don't talk to me" she said looking down.

"Sid" I sigh, "It's not that I don't wanna talk to you about my feelings. I just don't like talking about it to myself either. You know how hard it is to me. Every boy I liked pushed me down, I just don't want that again"

"You will never know if you don't try, Court, let's just give it a shot" she sweetly said with a small smile.

"He's famous, Sid. He's used to beautiful girls and probably has a high expectation. And I'm just.. me"

"You is fine to me. And it will be the same for him, if you just give it a try" she smiled, I weakly smiled back.

Truth was, I wasn't not really ready to risk putting myself into the whole love thing again. I've been hurt so many times, it really hurt like hell. He looked a fine guy though, but they all do. It was only the first months impression, then it all changes. Love becomes pain and disappointment.

I slowly walked back to my room just to see Evan sitting on my bed with my notebook in his hands.

"Uhm, it's kind of personal stuff" I quietly said, he soon looked up at me blushing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, I was just-"

"It's okay. You couldn't know" I weakly smiled grabbing my notebook, placing it on my work desk.

"So, you're a writer?"

"Kind of" I smiled,

"I liked what I read till now. Even though I'm not really a fan of horror stuff"

"Wait. You work for American Horror Story and you're not a fan of horror stuff?" I asked with my eyes wide open, he laughed.


"You just twisted the whole expectations I had of you" I said with a small chuckle sitting next to him,

"You have expectations of me?" he asked with a wondering look and a small smile,

"I have it for eveyone" I smiled.

"How do you see me as?" he asked,

"Well, now it all changes. I've pictured you like a guy who someone could watch horror movies with, laugh together about it. Do funny things, crazy kind of things. You know, just, those cool things of life. Like a picnic next to a lake, a sunday at the beach, a night under the stars. That kind of stuff, you know" I shyly said looking down.

I slowly looked up at him and saw looking at a blank spot with a thinking expression.

"I like that" he suddenly said with a small smile, "I actually could do any of those things. I may not be a fan of horror stuff but I watch horror movies. Even though it's kinda embarassing when I'm in a theather or a cinema and a scary scene comes on, I just start screaming like a baby and everyone would turn to me"

"That's cute" I shyly chuckled,

"No, that's embarassing" he laughed looking at me.

"I find it cute anyway" I smiled,

"I find you cute" he slowly smiled, I started blushing.

Has he just said that he finds me cute? Holy crap. I felt a kind of odd pain in my chest at the sound of those words. Or was it in my stomach? Those so called butterflies maybe.

"You still here?" he asked laughing,

"Sorry, I got kinda lost in my thoughts" I shyly smiled. Well, that was awkward.

"Oh, okay. I thought I said something stupid or wrong or anything that might've upset you" he sweetly said with a small smile,

"Any of that" I blushed.

The reverse actually. You said something that totally sent me in a trance mode.

"Good" he laughed, I shyly smiled.


"Guys, I'm sorry for interrupting the whatever things you're doing, dinner's ready" Sid said through the door, I rolled my eyes and start blushing. Why did she have to make it awkward all the time?

"Are you staying for dinner?" I quietly asked looking up at Evan,

"Do you want me to stay?" he softly asked back with a small smile.

I didn't know why but that tone of his sounded to me like one of the hottest things ever. It sent cool shivers down my spine, I couldn't even explain. What's happening, goddamn.

"I mean, if you can stay I'd like that. Can you?" I shyly said, he soon looked at me with a serious expression,

"Can I?" he asked with a soft tone. I stared at him in confusion.

"I meant.. Don't you have other plans for tonight? If not, you can stay" I said again, trying to sound as clear as possible.

"I have a couple of things to do actually but I don't really care right now. I can postpone it, it can wait" he smiled, I blushed all over again.

I could see him biting his lips a little, I started shaking inside. He slowly leaned in, I just stared at him, panicking. What was I supposed to do?

"Guys" Sid said again, "Are you coming or not?"

"Coming!" I yelled as I quickly stood up.

I slowly looked back at Evan, he softly gave me a small smile.

"Let's get going" he smiled again, I nodded.

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