800 READS!!!!!! WHAT?!

82 4 0

um 800 reads? Is that even for real?

like for real for real? it can't be........

that way too many for me ......... i'm just bullshitting my way through this book

i mean i haven't even reached chapter 15 yet!

oh and for those of you who want an update, i'll probably have one next week.

i have finals this week and next so i'm spending a lot of time on that

also with all the other chapters, i had already written them. but i haven't even finished writing this chapter.... sowwy.

but i'll hope to have more than one chapter update during winter break (starts the 18th)

soooooooooooooooooooooooooo anyways guys thank y'all so much you're the best and i never expected to get this far.

loves, hugs, and fat unicorns for all! :)

~ (fatunicorn37)

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