Chapter 5: Is this for real?

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Previously on One Night:

"Yeah, her name is Tessie."

"Oh yeah, I think I remember her! Wasn't she the girl who made us sign her napkin? She was hot," said Rocky.

"Yeah she was, but she's mine!" I shot a dirty look at Rocky.

"Whoa, calm down bro," said Rocky.

Ignoring the chaos, Ross piped up, "all we need now is a plan."

"I think I got one," said Ratliff.

Tessie's POV:

I checked my phone after buying myself a water at the concession stand. I got a text from Emily asking me where is was and that Ryland had just finished up. I texted her that I was on my way back. After checking with a person that worked there, I found out that I was all the way on the other side of the building than were my seat was. Finally, I made it to the double doors on the side of the auditorium that I was supposed to be. There was a man at the door who I believe had taken my ticket the first time I went inside. I dug mine out of mine back pocket and showed it to him. He shook his head.

"Hear that?" he said, pointing him thumb at the doors behind him, "the show's already started, I can't let you in until there is a break in the songs. It's the rules."

I huffed, I was annoyed. I really couldn't wait to see Riker again. But I could hear the muffled song through the doors, and it sounded really good.

All of a sudden I could hear the tune of the song change. They must've just gone straight into their second song! Now I have to wait another 3 minutes!

After probably the longest 7 minutes of my life had past, the man let me through the doors.

RIker's POV

As we started our first song, I scanned the crowd. I couldn't seem to find Tessie anywhere. I knew that since she went to the meet and greet that she has VIP tickets and is probably in that section. I tried to make it look like I was into the song but I really was just trying to find Tessie. Then the song ended and we launched into the second song. I was really frustrated that I couldn't find her but I couldn't let that show. I was pretty sure the rest of the band had noticed how tense I was. I caught Rydel's eye and she looked at me with what I'm pretty sure was a "calm-down-she's- probably-in-the-bathroom" look. (I don't know that's just what I thought it was ) That made me calm down a bit until the song ended. Ross stepped up to the microphone and started talking to the crowd.

I heard Ratliff whisper from behind me, "Don't worry, she could be in the bathroom."

"Yeah, that's the vibe I got from Ry-" I cut myself off because the door opened on the side of the auditorium. I squinted. It was Tessie! I had the impulse to just run off stage and to her but Ratliff brought me back to reality. He must've seen Tessie too.

"Wait, stick to the plan!" he said.

We played 'What Do I Have to Do' next. It was funny because this song pretty much described how i felt about her. I sang all of my words straight to Tessie, hoping she would get the hint. When Ross and Rocky went into the guitar solo we had added to the middle of the song, I knew it was time to start my plan.

Tessie's POV

Once I found my seat I realized it was directly in front of Riker. When I looked up at him it looked like he was looking at me! But then I realized he was probably looking at another girl behind me.

Just as I got to my seat R5 started their 3rd song.

"I love this song!" screamed Emily

I swayed slightly in place and listened to the lyrics

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