Chapter 1: Getting Ready

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Tessie's POV:

" I still can't believe I let you drag me into this", I said, shaking my head

Emily, my best friend since forever ago replied, "I can't believe I could drag you into this! But we're gonna have SO much fun! You just wait and see."

Emily had been obsessed with R5 for the past 3 years, and as I was looking around her room, I could definitely tell by the sheer amount of R5 posters on the walls. She had convinced me to go to an R5 concert. And I had never even heard their music! I absentmindedly walked towards one poster hanging on the door.

"So," I said, turning to face Emily, " what time does the concert start?"

"I've told you a million times Tessie! I got us VIP tickets so that we can meet the band. That means that we should probably leave in an hour so we can get there early," Emily said while she was trying to put on mascara in the mirror on her wall.

"An hour?!? I still don't have anything to wear, and that's not enough time for me to straighten my hair!"

"Here," she said, throwing me an outfit, "and you shouldn't straighten your hair, you know how pretty your brown curls are!"

"Ugh, fine."

I changed into Emily's outfit. Ripped light wash skinny jeans and one of Emily's older black R5 t-shirts that she had cut to be a muscle tank. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and put on my favorite pair of heels. 3 inch converse wedges. Heels are a must when you're only 5'4". Now I'm the same height as Emily.

Emily ended up wearing one of her new R5 t-shirts (she had over 10) that was white and some fake leather leggings with regular red converse high tops. She left her straight shoulder length, golden blond hair down and added a small braid to it.

Emily did something, I'm not sure, to my face to make my green eyes look greener. But she refused to put on concealer or foundation on my face, however much I asked.

"But I need it! My face is so gross!" I said, reaching for the concealer.

Emily swatted my hand away, " If we put that stuff on your face, you wouldn't be able to see all your cute freckles! Plus your complexion is basically flawless."

I sighed, " Fine," then I looked at the clock, " hey, isn't it time to go?"

"CRAP! We need to leave! NOW!" Emily pushed me out the door and into the car.

" Let's go see an R5 concert!!!" she yelled out the window.

And we were off.




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Um, I had to change the picture of Tessie because someone else had a Riker Lynch fanfiction with that girl in the picture playing their main girl so I wanted them not to be the same picture. Sorry is that's confusing.

Thanks again!

~ (@fatunicorn37) :)

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